What’s happening to mankind? We’re falling apart at the seams. It’s sad to see what has happened to the honor, integrity, and morals of man in the past four or five decades. The very fabric of our souls has deteriorated to such a point that what was Truth even back in the 60’s seldom ever exist among the mentality of today.
I’ve said it many times that I believe in evolution, and those that are above the age of forty can easily see it, or they too are blinded by this world. Man did not come from monkeys, but appears to be evolving into them. The spiraling descent of morality is accelerating with each passing year that it may not be possible, in the next few years or decades, to even recognize what our fabric is made of. What used to be hidden or forbidden not so long ago is now proclaimed with pride from the house top or any street where two or more are gathered with the arrogance that we’re moving in the right direction.
When God said: “If my people that are called by My name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I shall hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land.” He didn’t say this because we’re doing it right, but just the opposite. Notice that this statement from God was directed toward those that are called by His name. What part of humble, pray, seek, and turn are we missing? Why is the power and authority of such a statement from God, being pushed to the side, and shown so much disrespect while the worldly attitudes of those with a loud voice prevail ways as the truth, which it is not? Has His people been hypnotized into a slumber by all the bells and whistles this world claims to provide?
The world is going to win many of these battles, with its’ endorsements of the carnal and fleshly mind of man, but make no bones about it, God will awaken His people, those that humble themselves, pray, and seek His face, and willing to turn and change from their ways, and prevail with great power and authority. In the end God never loses.
I just reread the book: ’Unmasking a church in Denial’ and again can see where many may want to read, or reread it again for the first time.
God is truly Almighty!