There is a vast difference between saying that Jesus is lord, than letting the heart speak that JESUS IS LORD. We live in a society that has been taught from almost the beginning that carnal man is up front and king of his domain. Well, I guess he is somewhat king of his domain, as long as his meager domain is this three dimensional world; remember this world is enmity to God.
I’d like to take a look at these industries of christian music, books, preaching schools.
If one had a song in his heart, a message to be written, or a sermon to be proclaimed, and each one of the above was from the inner heart,- then I wonder why so many of them just want to be noticed, or make money from this service? Why is this famous coveted ‘dove’ award so much sought after, or why are so many preacher/pastors getting paid to proclaim what they allege God sent to do? Looking under their words, it’s not hard to see that many of these desire the attention, notoriety, skill of presentation, established intelligence, performance of their duty, and of course let’s don’t leave out that pay check. So, is it easier to declare that Jesus is lord, or to truly place every situation, good or bad, in the arms of our Lord, and then sit back and let Him do all the trouble shooting. Jesus is Lord, and when we place Him as our individual Lord, very personally, are we now claiming that He, and not us, is in charge? Thus relieving ourselves of any worry or pain, for the Lord is able and ready to stand in our gap for us. Remember; “all things work together for good to those that love the Lord…”
When our ‘claim-to-fame entices us to enter into the “ministry”, or the money that is to be made there, or our abilities to hold an audience, then we have ceased to be effective in the forwarding of Gods’ Kingdom, and have now become nothing more than a musician trying to play elegantly on a pair of cymbals.
Has this world completely taken over our line-of-thinking, endorsed by the system of religion that has established itself with its longevity, to replace the truest and deepest value of God? We can either shut up and become quiet inside and allow God to do His work in us, or continue these unserviceable acts that don’t change a single life; but one man hung on the cross awhile back can change anything.
Where is our heart at? Are we now wanting the fleshly carnal attention from our outward acts, or can we truly trust God to do His work thru the obedience of His leading, one on one? And this is usually from a closet.