This world and all the things that are changing is turned up side down by this new modern way of thinking. God has never changed, nor will He. God has not left us, but we, as a society, have left Him. Is it possible that times have changed so much since the time of Christ, that it is the ninety and nine that are lost to His Truth, and only the one remains? We are all guilty, and I also can say; the things I should do, I don’t; but the things that I shouldn’t do, those things I do; shame on me, but we’re all still under construction. God didn’t lose any of us, but many have strayed looking for new grounds, being seduced by the same serpent that lives in the tree of the mind, thinking we know best, but He truly is willing to leave all just to recover that one that will accept the Truth thru His Love. If we can’t find Him, then those same traditional blinders still remain; for we were never lost from the Love of God, we just thought we were. Like the lost sheep, every one of us are still under His care, some may not have found their way clearly yet, but His eye, and His Love have never left us, no matter what we may have done; or not done. The cost of Grace is nothing but the acceptance of it. The cost of this flesh‐made religion, as it stands today, and was also in the days of our Lord, is at a cost too high to pay for those that want truth again for the first time. It’s the natural being, the one that clings to the tree of knowledge that desires to build himself, and the cronies around him, by their abilities and seductive forms, and their many
programs, to build a self‐serving empire to either look good to others, or satisfy his fleshly mind with the accomplishments of his thoughts. Shame on us for turning to ourselves to find a replacement of God, and it’s all justified on the backs of our forefathers who began this mess.
2nd Chronicles 7;14 says; If my people, that are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I shall hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
These words are not just good Words, THEY ARE TRUTH