There is a vast difference between loving our Lord God and loving this thing called ‘church’, between living with certain ethics and allowing the Lord to live thru us, between doing what’s right and not knowing how to do it any differently. When we try to train ourselves with great principles, beliefs, and integrities they are no more than coming from our carnal strengths, but when Jesus lives within the very heart of man no one person can resist but to show that Personality. Our minds, the throng of every imagination, tries to figure out what is right concerning the things of God, but Scripture says it is ended with destruction. Our Bible also says that man has a form of godliness, but denies the power therein. TRUTH is created from within, we cannot create it our self, and Truth certainly doesn’t need supports to be maintained, Truth stands on Its own platform; the heart of the ‘asking’, ‘knocking’, and ‘seeking’ heart of the transformed man. There is no need to reinvent it. God and His Son is alive and well, and God certainly doesn’t need our support to be Who He is. We can’t help but proclaim His Grace.
We need Him, we need God, we need the transformation of His LOVE within before the true evidence of His Being can displace this rhetoric that’s being preached from these man-made pulpits. Gods’ Altar is an Altar of stone, (stone representing the earthliness of man), and when converted can do no more than spring forth with Living Water as when Moses was told to “speak to the stone”, to quench the thirst with flowing water, (water representing TRUTH), of the Israelites in the desert of their travel. We too are as thirsty, living in the same desert, and we too can receive that Water of Truth, but not with this imitation, these synthetic repetitions that are formed in the mind of man and spouted from these carnal-made institutions that are called ‘church’. Gods’ Church is alive and well, but not nearly as big as these manufactured entities that stand on most every street corner and called themselves the house of God.
If this religious stuff was goin to work it seems there would some evidence of it by now. But God is still changing lives.