How does one explain a spiritual matter with the carnal flesh? Jesus spoke in parables, if fact the scripture says he spoke not accept in parables.
Since man was driven from the Garden and separated from his complete relationship with God, and chose to live from the tree of knowledge of the good and evil that that tree was so eager to give him, man has invented, created a world from his mind. We then chose to walk in the lie from the serpent that we would be like God, and ever since have continued to devise new ways to conjure up methods to restore us back into the that special relationship that was lost from God. We, mankind, have walked and stumbled these millennium with the darkness and delusion that was chosen by the very act of wanting our freedom. We were lost, truly have died, and darkness was upon us and we were void without light.
God told Adam lest you run back to the Tree of Life this obscurity would be continued and without the Tree of Life there is no hope, no righteousness, no way, no truth and no life that can be formulated to restore you to the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life that exist; Jesus the Christ of God.
Scripture has been misinterpreted from the beginning but we are to rightly divide His Word of Truth or endure our sustained false religious ways. Virtually everything that we’ve been taught, all the must do’s and the must not do’s have been given to us from the same false doctrines handed down from one generation to another that was conceived in the flesh; the tree of knowledge.
The well-known verse ‘to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord’ has always meant to most of something that is going to happen out in the wild blue yonder, after death. There is only two places a person can be, one is in this unreality of the carnal, and the other is to be in the only place that is left; God’s Spirit world. Let’s read this same scripture in reverse order, it reads the same thing; to be absent from the Lord is to be present in the body, (the carnal). Spirit and flesh can no more mix than oil and water, we are both flesh and spirit and each day, each moment that we choose to connect to this fleshly body life we then choose to disconnect from the true Spiritual Life that has been bestowed upon every person born. We are told ‘to choose this day whom you shall serve’, cater to the flesh, the carnal, or to be present with the Lord. We do not, and I repeat DO NOT have to die our earthly life to be present with the Lord, yet we do have to die in the flesh to be present with God, the two just won’t mix.
If we’re all caught up in this world, and all the affairs that go with it, and each time we do it, we then chose to be present in the body therefore absent in our relationship with God.