This world, and I’m speaking of this three dimensional life, has promoted itself as having all the answers that man needs. Stand up straight, get educated, get a good job, have manners greater than a badger and so on, and all you’ll ever reap is a life filled with joy and happiness. This, of course, is non-sense. It is true that this world will give us all it has, all the peace and prosperity that it has to give; BUT, this world and all its so called glory, owns no more than the senses, and these dimensions, and have nothing to do with the true man within.
This thing called ‘church’ has promoted the exact same ideas, and the evidence of what really has been going on is shouted from the roof top. With all their doctrines, rituals, public displays, organizations and committees, and great wealth that they have achieved, has done nothing to alleviate the weakness of man to anything other than their own status. If these religious corporations were working, and man was being truly fulfilled, why is it that their attendance is dropping, and people continue to hurt inside? When one preaches through the flesh, prays to consume it on his flesh, sees the scriptures as a violent weapon to bring us into control, and speaks only from the traditions of carnal man, it has no other choice than to fail. If the world had it, I’m sure it would give it; but it don’t; but one man hung on the cross two thousand years ago does.
I spoke in the March 25th blog (below this one), about Pharisees, the external man in each of us, and how carnal man likes to be seen in public as upright, gives alms to be seen, makes long prayer, and stands by the literal values of their religion, but on the inside are full of dead man’s bone. They will never elevate a single life unless it’s for their own benefit.
God has given us a sound mind, a heart to receive, an inner man, (spiritual man), and we have every privilege to be joint heirs with Christ; but we must worship in spirit, for God is Spirit. It says in Revelation eighteen to come out of her my people. Babylon has fallen, and will continue to fall, but God’s people will not perish that place their trust in Him, and not that of these man-made religions.
We’ve taken everything this world has to offer, and it still hasn’t changed a single life towards true Meaning, and has proven itself to be of little spiritual value. But if man wants a relationship with the Father instead of the ‘church’, and desires that Place that each can rest, then we will heed the words of that great prophet: “Let my people go,” and be set free into His (God’s) LIFE.