I touched on this subject before and I’m going to plunge at it again, and to my amazement most people don’t realize that the established religious orders have duped us into a false belief of their many fallacies.
I’ve spent several decades in this ‘thing we call church’ teaching and preaching, and was also, for more than a few years, caught up in the rhetoric of their bias belief. And as many so-called worship services as I attended, I still as yet can’t remember a true service of inner Spirit worship that the carnal flesh man didn’t interfere with. These outward antics and shows of worship may be a true form, but not when done to be elegant or seen.
Let me give you some of the several emphasized words that are used routinely within the religious structures. Choir, Sermon, Steeple, Pulpit, Pew, Hymnal, and Stained glass; these are but just a few of the words that the man-made institutions use, but whose origin of their use does not come from our Bible. With the exception of the word ‘pulpit’ none of these above nouns are mentioned in the Bible and the word pulpit is revealed but once, and with an entirely different meaning than so many understand it today. Where did we get these terms of endearment that so many think of in sanctity? How could we claim to be followers of Christ, or build these great structures to reach high toward heaven, or elect a man with his many cronies to run the show, or how could we think that our logic and attitudes were sufficient to know what God really wants? In no way can the flesh man appoint himself, or others, to know what is best for Gods’ children or how to run this entity that they assert to be Church. Folks, this ‘thing’ that has been promoted to be Church is a far-cry from that which Jesus began with the Rock, the Foundation, that exploded from the mouth of Peter when the Holy Spirit gave him that first revelation. This is the reasoning that I give when calling this fleshly entity called ‘church’ a lower case letter, and call it a ‘thing’; it’s certainly not founded in the Spirit of Christ, and it certainly does not revere to be lifted up as the Body of Christ.
Although many attend these things called ‘church’, and from their hearts love the Lord, and many go to further their understanding of the things of God, for of a truth many are His dedicated followers, but why intertwine yourself with the hierarchy of religion that was invented by those that were still in the flesh but knew there was something greater than themselves; but still didn’t have a clue as to how to obtain it. These silly little rites and ceremonies and rituals have no value in obtaining the deeper things of God, but a sincere intimate relationship with Him does. Worship is done from the heart in a closet, or at least done with no intension of being seen. “He who worships must worship in Spirit, for God is Spirit.”