As I reminisce of the days of my young adulthood, I too remember coming to the Lord with great zeal. My enthusiasm for this new found and very real experience was profound and could be likened to a chick hatching from the confined shell of an egg. I, for the first time, felt free; free from the guilt and torment of a life being led by my own devices.
Before I go further with my encounter with how God, at this point in life, began dealing with me, let’s stop a moment to give a brief history of the evolution of religion.
Man likes to express himself when something good happens, or bad for that matter, man has a tendency to want everyone around him to know it happened, to announce with passion his new found experience, and to gather around those with a familiar understanding of what just happened. And in the beginning, after the resurrection of Christ, it only took months before a disciple of Jesus wanted to build a tabernacle, a gathering place, a platform of religion to shout the good news of what now was occurring. All this was shut down as Jesus revealed Himself and sent the disciples in different directions, as was the same case on the Mt. Transfiguration. But man, ever since his gained knowledge from the tree of good and evil, feels he knows best of what to do, goes about building something, an empire, a monument, or some shrine to dig his carnal feet in to stay put instead of listen for the Holy Spirit.
These so called ‘churches’ are just that; a place built from the flesh of the brain, (the tree of knowledge of good and evil), to express in a carnal way what God has done for them. When Jesus told us to go throughout the world telling of the Gospel of the Kingdom, how did we turn that around to try to get others to come to us? These non-scriptural entities are not the makings of God, but the imaginations of the flesh pretending they have it cornered on just about every street.
Now getting back to what happened to me during my experience with the Lord, I too knew I wanted to do something, anything and everything that I could to shout and relate to others what was transpiring with me. And being young and enthused but yet ignorant, I went to the people that said they had the scoop on what I should learn, but after going to more than a few of these gathering places with a steeple I soon learned that the variances of each building and doctrine were as different as the creativity of an artist portrayal. It just didn’t work.
After years and years of being deeply embedded in these ‘churches’, even preaching and teaching the little knowledge that I had, God began calling me out of her as I heard loud and clear; ‘come out of her my people’. As Moses said to Pharaoh, I too heard the call to shout ‘let my people go’. I spent many years in this industry of religion, entering with a hunger for Truth, but after almost starving to death, I had to leave.
People, we can learn from the Holy Spirit without having to be indoctrinated by the will of men with their carnal motives of the flesh. We can grow in our relationship with God, hopefully with those that see through this hype of religion that hinders rather than promotes the things of God.