In the midst of this crazy, mixed up, and deteriorating world, I believe that God has preserved a people, call them a remnant, that has been kept unsoiled from these ridiculous traditions of religion that has been invented in the minds of men of flesh. A people that has held to seeking the Truth without bowing to the many customs of the carnal outward rites and ceremonies that are so easily accepted by many. A people that has held strong on loving our Lord and finding revelation in the quietness of their closets.
These, I believe, are scattered throughout the world; far between and few in number, relatively speaking, but growing in the Love of God and His Love for us.
When one is not bound by the uselessness of religious activity, nor conform to their strict adherence to what they say God wants, then a form of quietness can begin within each. When God’s Word is heard without the many editorials of secular pious traditions of this ‘thing’ that sits on just about every street corner, then God’s Spirit can be heard without their bias opinions. Only when this can happen can true growth transpire.
When the last trumpet sounds, those that are not caught up in these man-made religions, I believe, will be raised up from deafness and blindness, and from within be transformed with the Truth and Power of our Lord; will rise up, come out from the hidden places, from the shadows of obscurity and anonymity, to then be empowered to preach the Gospel of the ‘The Kingdom’. In a moment, in the twinkling of eye, God shall transform His remnant from within, and sanction them to preach ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom’ in Its’ true form, as babylon is being revealed and falls.
In my vision, this people,(the remnant), that are called out from among her, (babylon), will figuratively walk up to every club house with a steeple, kick the doors off the hinges, and shout with a voice of authority to “let my people go”. We are all call to come out from among her, as stated in Revelations 18, “for her sins have reached Heaven”.
No one knows, especially me, what or when God shall move upon His people, but I can tell you that the word rapture does not appear in the Bible, not even once, and this message that has been sent out abroad will reveal what it is that was invented in the mid-19th century, and will be revealed for what it is; a fleshly pie-in-the-sky aspiration. I do believe that an advent of some kind is coming, and I do know that God is preparing a people whose stains from religion are being washed, and will proclaim His truth about LOVE.
“God so Loved the world that He gave…”, not the world as stated as enmity, but all those that live in it, bar-none, we are all counted as His children. We are not counted because we deserve it, but for ‘what’ we are, not ‘who’ we are. Our good deeds don’t bring any closer to Him. God just Loves us because He Loves us. Thank you Jesus for showing us the Father.