Method or Religion?

Since method and religion is exactly the same thing, then why do so many believe that being religious is merit towards God; it simply is not.

The word religion in Greek is threskeia, from the root word threskos, which means: demonstrative i.e. pious. Many hang that label on themselves, that is religious, and think it to be a positive handle, but what methods could man do to win favor with God? How can doing the same things over and over and over bring us any closer to our Lord? If this was going to happen, don’t you think with all the years of man doing it, that we would begin to see a positive change in mankind? This ain’t happening.

Folks, it’s not about joining some group that meets every week, or these silly routines that many are taught to follow, or believing in a certain doctrine that every street corner with a steeple processes, or any other of the many man-made criteria’s that these so called leaders place on us; it certainly is not; our life is about having a relationship with our Heavenly father, and His beautiful son Jesus. All that God yearns for is a intimate relationship with each of us. Therefore, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; religion is a hindrance to having that personal relationship with God.

Many are caught up in ‘Their Ministry’, but somehow forget that their goal is not about themselves, not about gathering followers, or trying to make money for their personal cause with the collection plate; and when we get our eyes off ourselves we can then see that God reins supreme.

Mans’ ideas are exactly that; they are the ideologies of the carnal mind, and won’t bring a single soul to the wonderful LIFE that God has prepared for us today. We don’t have to fit in, or measure up, or earn our keep, we are already His.

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