If you like what you’ve got–Keep doing what you’ve done……BUT……If you don’t like what you’ve got–Try doing something you haven’t done. We all get stuck in a rut, and sometimes that’s the place a solution is found. It is true that most folks don’t go to ‘church’ because they’re concerned about spiritual matters, but instead, they think it will ease the pain of what this world claims that it offers, but can’t carry through with the design intentions, and for most folks, where else can they go?
We, as a society, continue to do the same stuff over & over, and at the same time know that something different is needed, and this is especially true in this ‘thing called church’, but to have a different result, something else has to be apprehended. It’s time to see this ‘thing’ for what it is; another piece of the world. Peoples’ lives aren’t being changed, virtually, in these Sunday meeting. For most of the their efforts are directed toward themselves; their platform, their pretty clothes, maybe an elaborate building of so-called worship, their interpretation of scripture, and I could go on-& on, but only one life that hung on the cross two thousand years ago can do that. Our focus has been on everything, and I do mean everything, but the Christ that is building His own Church inside of those that are willing to receive Truth.
The things we want–many times lead to destruction; the things we need, are either ignored or kicked out the door. Human nature is what it is, and the things of God are totally different. My hope is that a few will seek a deeper relationship with the Father, and let the world be what the world is, but know the difference. God & HIs Christ, and not this ‘thing called church’, is the answer.