Heaven and hell

I have hesitated for years speaking on this subject because the so-called ‘churches’ have such a stronghold that to buck that system of belief will mostly be met, at best, with skepticism; but here goes a feeble attempt at it. My procrastination of this subject will be readily seen by my inadequacy to buck the traditional system that has fed us so many deceptions over the past thousand years or so.
God is Love. So let’s get our heart going in the same category as what Love truly is. It’s certainly far deeper than this world, with its babylonian attitudes, wants us to fall for.
Let’s do a little reading in Gods’ Word from the book of Corinthians, first book, chapter 13. “And although I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not Love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind, Love does not envy, Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the Truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” This scripture goes on to talk about when we were a child, we spake as a child, thought as a child, we simply acted as children; but, if and when we become an adult, we’ll put away our childish ways of thinking.
Loves doesn’t keep a record, Love forgives, Loves looks past the sin, to see a person behind it that God Loves very much; When that perfect Love comes upon us, then that which is in part will be divided from it. Love conquers all things, Love covers our multitude of sins, and Love pieces together that which our natural abilities can’t do. Love is What God is, Who He is; Love the everything about our Heavenly Father.
Now I ask: How can our Father, Who is not only filled with Love, but is the true definition of it, going to send someone whom He loves, for He Loves us all, to any place but unto Himself? The sin, the act, the internal cause of it, may be sent to hell, but not the hidden man within each of us. Since all this that He wrote for us in the above scriptures is by Him for each to adhere to, it takes no profound reasoning to see that He too abides by the same laws of Love. We can notice through scripture that the wrath of God is sent upon the sin, not the sinner, the wrath of God is to purge each from the sinful nature of man, but not the true man.
These club houses called ‘;church’ has always wanted dominion over their parishioners to keep them close by and under their control, thus inventing this train-of-thought to teach that if we don’t act right, that is, the way they tell us to, then hell is our destination; and it’s simply not true.
Heaven is where God lives, and folks, He so loves the world, and all of us in it, that He gave His Love, His Heaven to each, He lives in each of us; none are excluded. Hell is where our iniquity travels, and Heaven is that place where God abides in us, even right now, and all eternity.

What is Love/Heaven?  Is it this thing that we’ve been taught love is?  Love is where God is– in the heart of spirit man.       Hell is where the man in the flesh lives

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