There are misnomers scattered throughout all religions, but today I’d like to look into these, particularly one, in the religion of christianity.
I had spent most all my first forty something years within the confines of this creature call ‘church’; not to be confused with Gods’ true Church. This thing called ‘church’ that has been built by the generations of flesh man, and more or less based on the carnal mind that confused man could put together. This industry called ‘church’ is a far cry from that which God put together with His Christ as the center, and built on the revelations that were given to man seeking God who had no agenda of their own.
Not long after Jesus established His Church in the heart of those seeking Him did the pretenders and flesh-man want a piece of the action. Rules and regulations were soon instituted by the desire of the flesh to be like God; thus religion was born. Religions are all founded on a set of procedures that seem right, look right, but have little, if no foundation in Scripture; man sticking his carnal hand into Spiritual matters. The two don’t mix.
Let’s take a moment to look at one of these misnomers. The soul; the soul is mentioned many times in the Bible, but to my knowledge the soul has never been spoken of as being eternal, the part of us that goes to Heaven. The Spirit is eternal, as when Jesus said His last words; “Father into Your hands I commit my Spirit.” Our soul is developed by our temperament, character, demeanor, and the surrounding environment; and when willingly married to the Spirit, the twain becomes one flesh, thus called the husband and wife. In the case of Jesus, this is exactly what happen, but in the man of the flesh-not so much.
When the competitive nature of man, and his desire to be right, and his strong aspirations to be on top, and his objective is to not be left out, then the denominations of this thing called ‘church’ was born. By the continued rehearsal of repetitious inaccuracies of our fore-fathers, and the traditions of man following man, many matters concerning the things of God were distorted. Some were believed by one group, others by another group; thus many divisions occurred and the denominations were invented to settle matters within a smaller group. The men with the biggest stick and the loudest charisma won the lion’s share; but it don’t make it right.
Many things taught by the carnal traditions of flesh man have led many into believing a misnomer. But the ‘Good news’ is; there is always a second chance to get it right. Not by listening to me, but by an intimate knowledge and relationship with God.