Have you ever noticed that successful people, those that prospered inwardly, those that found life rewarding, are usually a breed that fought through the troubling times.
All of us enjoy life when everything seems to be going the way we conjured it up, but as short lived as that is, we all seem to find time to whine and belly-ache when those precious times have run their course. Success is not measured by the money one makes, nor is it gauged by our status in the hierarchy of our peers, not even the education of schooling plays a part in, or whether a job has given the status we desired, but it is determined by our strength to overcome in spite of our adversaries.
Those things that we call troubles are actually blessings that are disguised as misfortunes, difficulties that are shadows to hide that which lies underneath; growth. Our fleshly eyes can see no more than the worries, sufferings, and the predicaments of this carnal life, but hidden underneath, for those that see through the internal eyes, not only see a route of escape, but also see another hill to climb before our course has been achieved.
“All things work together for good to those that Love the Lord…” This scripture was not place in the Bible as an accident, but to show those that have eyes to see that the circumstances of this world are not what they seem. Even this world, which is enmity to God, proclaims that every dark cloud has a silk lining; then how is it so difficult for many to look past the woes of what this life seems to throw at us and begin searching for that which God has hidden in that mirage of tribulations. To look at situations, trials, and adversities the way the world views them, the way most of us were trains to do, is a far cry from the TRUTH which God has set before each. Many a catastrophe has been rearranged by God to bring a blessing to those that search Him, to those that can, by faith, look past the situation, and wait to see that which God has prepared for us.
How many times, maybe years later, can we look back at a tragedy and see His redemption power run its’ course to the point of changing our lives for the better? How many times has one had turmoil with depression only to come out the other side with a far greater understanding of true success?
This worldly life can be harsh, but God is constantly working behind the scenes preparing, molding, and building His Son within each of us to walk in the Kingdom that is now at hand. To those that are called up into this Life that was gifted by Jesus, struggles are but a hiccup in Life, a blessing disguised to further His plan.