It seems we were all raised, at least by the standards of the world, that “you only have one life, so grab all the gusto you can,” and don’t forget the cliché that said: “look out first for number one, “ meaning self. Scriptures tell us that this world is enmity to God, meaning hostile. And it’s true. Is it hard to determine why this world, and all that’s involved in it, is spiraling down to a ‘dog eat dog’ attitude because of our self-serving defiance toward the TRUTH of God? Also, it’s not only spiraling downward but at an accelerating speed. With each generation the deterioration of our morals, honor and integrity, becomes more and more of a rarity.
These institutions that call themselves the moral fiber of the world, and some call them ‘churches’, have failed in every degree. What they possess, is a far cry from that which they claim. When one looks at the world of worldliness and then turns around and looks at the ‘things that are called church’, how much true difference can be seen? They are failing. When the supposedly mentor, these marketplaces called ‘church’, professes, that their road to Christ is the only road to follow, but at the same time look much like the world that we are called out of, then why do so many sit around with this dumb founded look on the faces asking; what went wrong?
If the these so-called ‘churches’ are gathering as many would-be followers as possible with their building projects surrounded with a freshly paved parking lot, and their fancy pews, and their custom made dresses and suits, were to be looking out for those that entered their doors instead of their attraction to their own self -image, Christ would then take His rightful seat and the world would be changed. But that’s not the case.
Why would we need all these different denominations with so many different views of who God is if they all had it together? Is God Divided? I think not. Then could it be that with the different sects of denominations that man himself is expressing his allegiance to his personal idol rather than to God that he is to supposedly lifting up? Folks, we got this all backwards.
This backwoods writer is not going to change the world, but maybe there are a couple of folks out there that are willing to stand up and also call attention to the travesties that claim they are Gods’ representatives but are actually turning people away from our Loving God. I don’t think I’m the only one fed up.
Thank you God for your Grace and Mercy.