If anyone wants to contact me with a response from me, go to my e-mail address and leave a small note; themanwithin1@gmail.com. Please feel free to download any book from the web-site, the cost is free. God has given me a message, and an opportunity to pass it on.
We have been taught by the mainstream religions so much that does not align with the Word of God, and their longevity of that same stuff, that many have bought into it as being true; but in no-way is. Just because it’s been taught for centuries, doesn’t make it a part of His Truth, but, in most cases, it’s all we’ve ever heard, and know of no other mind-set. God reigns on His throne, and is beginning again to reveal Himself to a generation that are willing to allow His change, a different way of thinking, that man can once again be emancipated from the walls that self-seeking religions has placed many into.
The new book “Unmasking a ‘church’ in Denial” will be on this web-site, and many others, in just a few short week. One might want to wrap rubber-bands around their socks, but this writing will reveal the antics and motives of these self-serving institutions.
The problem with being human
Mankind, with his silly characteristics, rituals, and addictions to this world is the one thing, more than any other, that stays him from a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. The scripture says that we see through a darkened glass. and that is true, at least it’s true when the earthly eyes are what we look through. To see a tree, we normally see only that which grows above the surface; but just as much, if not more, grows beneath the sight of carnal man. The root is what sustains the tree, and since it lies within its element, can draw from the resources that it was made to be and continues to grow in strength. We, all humans, were created the same way. We have a visible side, a flesh side, a part of man that the eyes can see; but each of us have that invisible spiritual side that sustains us, the part of us that thrives from the Life of God. Our life is also liken unto a parable, the part of man that is not seen outwardly is far more important than our flesh can ever represent; we are already God’s child. Those that want to see more of what this true affords, and how it maintains itself through the mystery that lies within, may want to read a few of the books this author has written. The book “Unmasking a ‘church’ in Denial” will be released, maybe, by the end of May.
Another thought
I have been in a relationship with God since 1975, and even through the trials of life, I have never regretted a single day with Him, but as I look around at these so-called institutions on most every street corner, and see what being done by organized religion, I’m appalled. Because the attendance of these factories are on the decline, they come up with every sort of gimmick that man’s mind can invent, thus leaving their first Love for their love of the power and money that these manipulations thus far have created; at least in their minds. When the TRUTH & LOVE of God is revealed, and it is being revealed around the world, then that which is in part will be done away with, and that which is Perfect will prevail through the lives of many. This non-sense of these structured ‘churches’ will probably always be with us, but for many, the freedom in a relationship with God, instead of the ‘church’, will change many lives.
Some thoughts about our society
As I get older, and seeing the many different changes that are taking place, I sometimes wonder how our society continues, and we, as children of God, have bought into the line of thinking, that this ‘new and better’ will suffice as a substitute for prosperous living. We have been fed a ‘bill-of-goods’ from our so-called spiritual leaders for so long, that we still believe that each has to work, or earn, our way to the Graces of God; and this is not so. We, all of us, are made in the similitude of God, joint heirs in the promises of Jesus, created equal, and belong in the same family; His. And as long as man, that is flesh man, continues to build his empires of hierarchy, with its higher and lower levels of worth, the people will continue to feel oppressed; and for good reason. But if Jesus came to set us free, and that’s exactly what He did, then why are so many still bound? We are all free, and none has been left out, and we even have this freedom if we don’t believe it, but if we don’t accept this Gift, then it lays in waste.
My friend Kirby, which has written, and sung, the songs in this web-site, has something to say; listen to them. Get very quiet, and listen to the freedom that is said in each song, and extend these same messages to those that are still bound.
Check out the You-Tube, and pass it on to friends, but hold on to your socks, unless you’re well grounded in His Love. I appreciate you for coming to this web-site—Thank you ross