Tired of being tied?

No matter where I go, I see many folks that express their pain, worries, and fears through the way they carry themselves and the demeanor that is written all over their body, especially their face. Folks that apparently and obviously can’t find through this cosmos system of the world, and what this world claims to offer, a fix for the many ailments of life.
We are a broken world, especially a broken nation, and no dozen problems are to blame; the whole system is broken. We were, at best, taught from our youth up to stand up straight, put our shirt-tail in, get an education, land a high-paying job, have a family and be happy for the rest of your life. BUT, it don’t really work that way. Man has attempted to fill the inner void within us all with everything thing that this world claims to be the fix; but it won’t fix it. The inner void has been placed in every man to be filled by God’s Christ, nothing else will ever suffice. No great job, no education, no beautiful wife, no elaborate wardrobe, not a new house, not all the money this world offers, not a single thing from these three dimension can fill that void with anything but more noise; for special place within has always been reserved for God, not religion, only.
Look around, look back in history, not one single person has ever been fulfilled with the promises this world offers, except for a short time. This is called the man-within, the Spirit of Christ, and is continually connected to our soul, our soul-ish realm, and the two long to be as one, called the true marriage of man. BUT, then again, we try to fill that inward need with the things of this world, and that oil-and-water can’t mix.
As we turn loose of this world, our outward priorities, and give up trying to replace that need with the counterfeits this world claims to offer, can any of us find the true Peace and Rest that can only be found through God and His Christ. I think that religion has been a major part in blotching our way of thinking.
It does seem that it’s against our relationship to have religion.

Likeable Likes

If you like what you’ve got–Keep doing what you’ve done……BUT……If you don’t like what you’ve got–Try doing something you haven’t done. We all get stuck in a rut, and sometimes that’s the place a solution is found. It is true that most folks don’t go to ‘church’ because they’re concerned about spiritual matters, but instead, they think it will ease the pain of what this world claims that it offers, but can’t carry through with the design intentions, and for most folks, where else can they go?
We, as a society, continue to do the same stuff over & over, and at the same time know that something different is needed, and this is especially true in this ‘thing called church’, but to have a different result, something else has to be apprehended. It’s time to see this ‘thing’ for what it is; another piece of the world. Peoples’ lives aren’t being changed, virtually, in these Sunday meeting. For most of the their efforts are directed toward themselves; their platform, their pretty clothes, maybe an elaborate building of so-called worship, their interpretation of scripture, and I could go on-& on, but only one life that hung on the cross two thousand years ago can do that. Our focus has been on everything, and I do mean everything, but the Christ that is building His own Church inside of those that are willing to receive Truth.
The things we want–many times lead to destruction; the things we need, are either ignored or kicked out the door. Human nature is what it is, and the things of God are totally different. My hope is that a few will seek a deeper relationship with the Father, and let the world be what the world is, but know the difference. God & HIs Christ, and not this ‘thing called church’, is the answer.

What is the Rapture?

In the early & mid 1800’s a new fangled ‘tool of excitement’ was invented and was called rapture. Up until this time the concept of what we call ‘being raptured’ was never a focus, nor is the word mentioned in Scriptures, but the popularity of this new concept began its’ rise to what most today think this event truly is.
The Apostle John, while on Patmos Island, was called, or rather caught-up in the Spirit, and then shown many things in the spirit as God elevated him to a higher dimension level of seeing with the internal eyes. In other words, he was raptured in the Spirit, but his feet were still prisoners on the island.
I realize that this is a sensitive and controversial subject, especially since it been taught by the contemporary men of the last 150 years that those that have Christ, and those that are looking for His return, will be, one day, be zapped from this planet. I certainly believe that many will be zapped, that is in the Spirit, to an elevated understanding of who God, and His Christ, truly are, but our feet will still be planted on this earth. Even the Apostle Paul was called to the third Heaven, raptured, but was there for only a short while before having to return to earth to teach that which he was shown.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, God can call any of us to that higher dimension and reveal many of His hidden mysteries, and this has happened many many times in the past, and still today; and all that want this called-up Life, it is available to any. Of course for those that just want to ‘play church’, being called in the Spirit is something probably beyond their realm, but who know, God can do all things.
I’m not really writing this to teach details of what God is doing, or even the misguided information of sincere men of the past couple of centuries, but hope that many will take a fresh look again at the Word of God and see that not only this topic, but many others, were taught through the longevity of consistent misinformed information, that a fresh look will do us all good.

It’s against my relationship to have religion.

Most people use the word religion as meaning spiritual, but it simply means method, for ALL religions have a form, a method, a man made forum to attempt to reach God. Whether in times of ‘old’, or today; God desires a relationship with all of us, His people. On one hand (His), He has that relationship, but, for us, we have to accept both His hands before we can enjoy the intimacy of that relationship. There is no earning or deserving the Love Mercy and Grace of God, we already have it, in spite of what religions say.
So how can a method, a religion, help me have a deeper intimacy with the Lord, it can’t, it can only hinder because of the confusion of their weekly doses of man made rules and regulations. God loves us for ‘what’ we are, His children, not because of ‘who’ we have established our selves to be. His offers are for all, and I do mean all, and not just to the chosen of the egos of man.

Pride and Egos

After spending the first twenty-five years of my adult life in these ‘things that are called church’, and then looking closely at what man has stuck his unauthorized hand in, and looking past the façade of their exterior, it is not hard to see that these monuments of man’s pride and ego has overtaken our precepts of the CHURCH and who GOD is. Man has an inert desire to stand strong, be noticed, and strut what he’s done and can accomplish, but in God’s Kingdom, the only thing that matters; is GOD. But mankind has to somehow show that he’s the authority and author of what God really wanted, but in this case, has missed the Ark. No body understands fully the provisions that our Father has given to each, I certainly don’t, but I do understand that every provision has been given to each of us in His LOVE, and without merit, for none truly deserves it, but is given freely without measure to all; unlike what the religious leaders are teaching. If LOVE covers a multitude of sin, and it truly does, then how can God LOVE us, and still condemn us for our lack of understanding, or our foolish things of the flesh? HE DOESN’T.
When we quit in our efforts of pleasing Him with the fleshly mind of man, and simply turn to Him in trust and faith, and then seek an intimate relationship with our Creator; He is simply able to do that within each that we can’t do for ourselves.
Let’s not sell God short-He is truly able, ready, and certainly willing to work in those of us that will allow Him full reign.,

An early look at today

For we all know that God’s Word is His eternal Word, and was written no more for the men of old than it was written to us today. The I AM is ever present and has given us an understanding of what’s going on in the heart of man by the verse of 2nd Chronicles 7:14.
“If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Even though there are several names that folks call themselves, it is evident that He is speaking to Christians, therefore we should heed His direct Word as it is spoken. This ‘thing called church’, this empire that man has built with his own hands, and then had the nerve to call it Gods’ Church, is a far cry from that which Jesus said that He would build upon this Rock. It was not Peter that He would build upon, but the revelation through faith that was spoken through him. So is it hard to see that those that are called by His name has fallen far short, and is characterized as having wicked ways? Is it beyond our understanding that what we’re doing is substandard to praying or humbling ourselves, or seeking His face and Way, are we so wrapped up in the traditions of man that we have left our first Love? The answer is YES. The word ‘land’ has a far deeper meaning than the earth or our country, it means the individual; you and me.
Our ways are being called wicked, and it takes but little light to see through the façade of the ways of man, for flesh man is in his flesh, and God is Spirit, and a large gulf lies between the two. Exactly like the Sanhedrin were in the days of Jesus’ walk, we also are walking in the same carnal flesh and calling it of God, and it is not. If we want our own personal ‘land’ healed then we are to look far beyond these structures that are build upon the egos of what man thinks is right for God. When God said to ‘turn’, He meant to turn away from, to change our direction, seek Him instead of these silly programs that are meant to capture us to their self-serving platforms of the ego.
I could go on and on, but thought I’d put a little out there to chew on. This is not a bad time to turn from our wickedness, and then begin again for the first time to depend on our Father, our God, who all things that were created, were created for Him.
Read the “Unmasking a ‘church’ in Denial’ and maybe see for yourself what man is doing, or for that matter, what he not doing. Consider Jesus, He’s already considered each and every one of us.

The mystery of LOVE

I will attempt to speak on a subject that I too am inadequate to understand, but will feebly attempt to express what was given to me thru my life-long relationship with the Lord.
Love is one of those words that really can’t express the true meaning of LOVE, the kind that God loves us with, and has freely given to each of us whether we deserve it or not. The way the word is used in our English language, and the way we use it, is far inferior to the Love that God is. In Corinthians 13 we are given a little of what Love is, and what it’s not. Love suffers long and is kind, Love does not envy, nor does it parade itself, and is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, and seeks not it’s own. Love is not provoked, nor can it think evil; Love does not rejoice in iniquities, but rejoices in the Truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, endures all things, hopes all things. Love never fails.
Read the whole chapter of Corinthians 13 and see that Love is called perfect. It never needs to be propped up and can therefore stand on it’s own, Love really never can fail. The Love that God so Loves us with is that kind of Love. We can’t earn it, nor do we deserve it, but yet the perfection of His Love never ceases; and this is contrary to what most have been taught. Our abilities and earthly talents, our proper attitudes and beauty, and our striving to please the Lord with eloquent prayers will not impress our God to Love us more; He already Loves us with all He has, and that is perfect Love.
If we were told to Love our enemies, and we were, then why would God not Love those that have malfunctioned in this world? To receive Gods’ Love, and to not know that we have received it, still hinders us from His personal relationship with each, but when each believes by faith that what God said is true, then we can therefore walk in His free Gift of Love.
Two of my books; ‘The Two Trees’ and ‘Unmasking’ expounds more on this, and hopefully can bring more of His Light on the subject. I apologize for the shortness that I have taken on this deep and profound word, but hope many will dig much deeper to understand the Love that is given.

The beauty of GRACE

The words have been spoken that the Grace of God is free and unlimited, but ‘the church’, and our so-called leaders, always want to add something to it. The Grace of God is simply unmerited and unearned, it is given to all without restrictions. The LOVE and GRACE of our Lord is so in depth and infinite that man in his carnal fleshly mind can not comprehend it, but never-the-less God gives them both to all without measure.
Most have been taught by religion that Grace plus something else, such as going to ‘church’, acting or speaking a certain way, being baptized, or any other stigma that man invents to hold their underlings in the tyranny of their own methods, but is simply not true. God’s Love and Grace is given to all without restraint, we don’t earn it, nor do we deserve it, it is our Gift from God because that is the way God is.
But, to have His Love and Grace is one thing, but to know that we have it is quite different, as only then, knowing the Truth of Gods’ Ways, can each walk with Him without reservations. To have a hundred dollars in our wallet, but not knowing it’s there, and having a flat tire, will give us but little benefit, but when we know we possess it, the problem can be cured. So God, giving us His Grace, and understanding that He Loves us, no matter what we’ve done, or didn’t do, is still a life that we have constrained our selves, if one doesn’t know it, but when one receives His Gifts, and understands His unmerited favor, we then walk away from the tyranny, and begin to walk in the fruits of His relationship with us.
For God so Loved the world… and all that live in it that He gave… Don’t let the centuries of false teachings keep you from walking in a relationship with our Lord. His Grace plus nothing else, His Love plus nothing else, is more than sufficient to live in victory from this world.

Whining and Crying

Folks, especially in America, have become so spoiled, and have been trained thru the years of sedimentary living that when things don’t go our way, we whine and complain. In comparison to some countries, we have it made. Somehow we manage to whine and cry over just about everything that doesn’t go our way, but God seems to have a plan for those of us that seek His Way.
Problems, aggravations, and such, are not designed by Him to bring us down, nor are they engineered by God as revenge, but are given to us as a blessing, a stepping stone, for an opportunity to step into the next level of our relationship with Him. It seems that God knows every quirk and cranny of our being, every defect of our personality, and when something, or someone, can get under our skin, and distract us from a deeper relationship with Him, then the things that apparently overtake our perception become a blessing from Him. Each one is given to each of us as a privileged opportunity to see just what it is that stands in our way, that prevents us from moving to the next stepping stone of having a deeper relationship with our Creator: thus, a true blessing. We either get ‘beat-down’ by these adversaries, or receive them as reminders of what God wants for each of us to prosper in Him. God is the God of Love, and the Love that He has for each will always benefit us. Gods’ Love never fails.

Loving God

Occasionally I’m asked; If I’m against religion, then doesn’t that make me against God? To answer that question; Since God is also against religion, and has done away with it through His son Jesus, who struck out against those in the man-made temple, the scribes and Pharisees, those in charge of said temple; we also can align our selves with the Lord. When Jesus overturned the tables of the money-changers of the temple, He set a precedence that His True Temple couldn’t be made by the hand of man, nor did money have part in it.
The word religion actually means method. When we follow God and His Christ, it is done through the Spirit, and not by any means of man’s inventions, nor can we plan or anticipate what God is doing. God’s Ways are not our ways, and His Thoughts are not our thoughts, so to find a method, or in this case religion, will always be the carnal mind of man. We are to lay aside our lives, taking no thought about it, and follow Him. But if this happens, then what will happen to the structured ‘church’? It too will fall apart along with the rest of Babylon.