In the small article written previous to this one name “Why”( the blog below this one), I wanted to clarify a point.
When Jesus was sent to earth by the birthing of the flesh, it was essential that it was happening at that precise time. Man, with all his ritualistic formulas and his carnal way of thinking had polluted the very essence of the being of God the Father. Man-made religions and doctrines was what was sustaining the so-called godly men of the hierarchy of those days preceding the birth of Christ, and at this point in time, had distorted all Truth of Who and What our Father truly is.
Jesus was sent to restore the great gap that was missing. As previously God was portrayed as wrathful; Jesus expresses Him as LOVE. As God was portrayed as strict and with many expectations; Jesus expresses Him as gentle, merciful, and filled with the graceful tolerance of His true being. As God was portrayed by the scribes and Pharisees etc. with many scheduled rites and performances; Jesus came to set us free, free from all the expectations man puts upon himself and those under him, free from the doctrines that were invented by the carnal mind of man. As the leaders portrayed God as vindictive and angry; Jesus shows us all the wonderful Grace and Love that God has for all of His people, not just those that walk that fine line that man has put upon us.
Jesus was sent to show man that we can individually have a personal relationship with God without the individual schemed-up plan, or the self-indulgent sacrifice of our flesh. Jesus is to show us the Father of Love without restrictions.
All this had to happen at that determined time, or mankind would have fell inside of himself, with no other destiny than to wander off on his own accord. God is not just for those that adhere to a strict code of mad-made rules and regulations; but for all of us, even those that are still babes in the Truth.
When I look around and see the same things happening today, the precise doctrines of the carnal flesh, the yoke of tyranny that man is putting on those that are under him, just to receive that warm-and-fuzzy feeling of accomplishments, it scares me. Are we again arriving at that precise point in time that God will again intervene?
It seems not much thought has been given to why Christ Jesus was born on the exact date that He was born. Why did God pick that precise date, and why couldn’t it have been a year earlier or a year later? Most folks understand that God doesn’t make mistakes, and there’s really no accidents in Him. Therefore that determined day, the day of Jesus’ birth, was engineered with purpose to be exactly when it was.
The Sanhedrin, the scribes, the Pharisees, the chief captains, the Sadducees, and the priest, and for that matter everyone that were taught by them, had fallen into a rut, a crevice of mis-teachings that God was someone that He wasn’t. Man had strayed so far from the Truth with his own self-indulgent devices, with his religious rites and rituals, that God no longer, virtually, was seen as Who He truly is. The distortions and perversions that man, with his carnal thinking, and was laid upon God, hid the Truth of Who and What God truly is.
In my way of examination, if this had gone on much longer man would be forever lost in himself. We would have evolved into a society much like that of the folks of Sodom and Gomorra, we would have deteriorated to a complete lost stage. Man, with his intelligent carnal mind, with the works of his hands, and the places his feet could take him, was, at that time, leading only to that bottomless pit, the crevice of our own doings.
Therefore it was essential that God was to send His Christ, our Counselor, our Mediator, and our Savior, into the world to once again show His people of Who and What He really is; the God of relationships. Without this intervention from our Lord, and at this pinpointed time, mankind would have continued descending into this accelerating spiral of complete dysfunction.
But God did intervene on our by-half with His beautiful Son Jesus, the One that once again showed us the Truth about our loving God. God sent to us His beloved Son Jesus to again show the world His nature, and Jesus is to show the world our Father in His true Being. Before all is lost, Gods’ Love prevails.
Now, look around, look at what religion is doing today, look at the formulas that man has invented, said they were from God, and yoked their people with. It looks like today, as it was in the days of Sodom, and as it was in the days preceding the birth of Christ Jesus, that man again is in a downward spiral that desperately needs the intervention of our Lord. We’re doing it again. WHY?
A comment about a comment
By-in-large most comments and opinions I receive are positive, and I’m not afraid of the negative ones, and would like to invite any and all to send me your thoughts at I realize that my viewpoint is not main-stream and goes against the grain of those that religious activities are a must in their line of thinking. God wants a relationship with each of us, and it sure does seem that religion stands in the way of that. The whole purpose of our relationship with God is to intertwine with Him on a very personal level. We don’t have to be full-grown, nor do we have to meet some criteria, nor is it about following some educated preacher, but it is about being intimate; and God is.
If one has to wait until his life is straightened out, or perform some ritualistic magic, or meet some man-made standard of obedience, then we have missed the point. If God so loved the world, and He certainly does, then why is it so hard to understand that, and receive the Love that we already have? This relationship with Him is not about earning it, or deserving it, it about walking in that which God has already set-up for us thru His Son Jesus. The relationship is already established, but to those that think the religious traditional main-stream, can easily miss it. So many get so bound-up in a certain way of thinking, the man-made nonsense of denominationalism, that we begin to accept their line of thinking, at the expense of the intimacy of our Creator; thus pushing God to the side to worship this so-called ‘church’.
Let us be aware of what an idol is. Anything that is not God, or His Kingdom.
The never ending Journey
Over the years, speaking of my walk with Christ, and learning as I walked with Him, I noticed that the closer I got to God the farther I seemed to be from Him. For many years this perplexed me, even to the point of beginning to question myself.
One day while in my daily chat with the Lord I asked; what am I doing and why is this happening? I seemed to be learning, and at least within myself, I thought to be gaining greater understanding; but why did it seem that the closer I got to you Lord, the farther the distance seemed to be from you?
He spoke to me, again in the softness of His voice and said; As one walks closer to My Light, and the Light becomes much brighter, the more is being revealed. And it made sense. As the Light illuminated more of the Truth, and the Truth was freeing us from the world and its’ systems, the Life that God is presenting to us, is far more vast than we’ve ever been taught. Thus seeming to be farther away, but in fact it is not.
The hypothesis is; Just about the time one thinks he knows all about God, one would discover we’d only begun to learn, and then after learning much much more, we would realize we really didn’t know anything yet. It is truly a never ending journey, and what is yet to be revealed, is part of our focus of the greatness and vastness that our God giving to us, and the things that the eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what our Lord has stored for us today. WHAT A PEACE THERE IS IN HIS INTIMACY.
The book with the funny name
The book ‘Hornswoggled in His Love’ does have a strange name. The autobiographer couldn’t help but to use this word as the evolution of his spiritual growth, and the final intimate understanding of the precious ultimate LOVE that God had bestowed on him, and He had it from the very beginning, understood that all along he was captured (hornswoggled) in the Love of God.
This is a must-read novel about the life and evolution of a fisherman, and how he was captured in the unwavering Love of Christ. It took many years, in fact many decades, before the Apostle Peter could completely comprehend the vastness of the Love of God thru His son Jesus The Christ. Although this novel is fictional, it is accurate to the historical facts that this author could dissimulate from the many references contained on the subject.
Please, take the time to read this ‘Hornswoggled’ book, as it will give us an understanding of the carnal life, and the spiritual growth, that was undertaken place in the sixty-four years that the Apostle lived. Going from his youth, to being called, and then to the struggles that had to happen before maturity in Love could be reached.
Where in this world are we going
It amazes my how many in this world, especially America, are troubled within concerning the things of the heart. These ‘things called church’ bill themselves as an institution that has the answers, thus summoning as many as possible to enter their doors. If they had the answers, changes would be happening in an astronomical rate; but they don’t. It’s not the worship of an organization, nor its set of rules of do’s and do not’s, nor their man-made doctrines, nor our attendants, nor is it our acts of the flesh with our lovely songs and preaching that God is searching for. But, it is a relationship with each and every one of us that pleases our Heavenly Father, thus we recognize that the flesh has little to do with the Spirit of our relationship with Him.
This world, with its flesh-made rules, and its hype of religion of carnal man, has failed many in these struggles of life; it has too.
When Jesus is building His Church, He is building it with the inner man, the spirit man that has been placed in each of us; for God is Spirit and therefore must be worshipped in spirit, and not with these outward motions that are done within these businesses called ‘church’.
We have been tricked into thinking that these ‘things’ are the place to go to find the Way, Truth, and the Life that Christ is giving to all, but the fact is, they are not teaching it. It seems they’re more interested in our attendants that lift their egos, or to strut their find educations in theology, or maybe it’s to support their agendas by empting our pockets; never-the-less it’s not working. The pain and fear in man is at an epidemic, and an intimate relationship with the Creator is the only answer.
I am, by no means, the answer to mans’ travail, but my books do point to the problems and the solutions to what it takes to find that peace that all long for.,
Do we earn our keep?
Now I understand that most folks see something religious as favorable, and that a religious person is someone walking with the Lord. The word religion simply means ‘method’. The word method means – ,an act of doing. But let us understand that God wants a relationship with each one of us, and that relationship is not dependent on whether we’ve earned it or not, whether we’ve been ‘bad’ or ‘good’. For if God so loved the world, and He does, then He Loves us with a Love that none of us can attain by working hard, singing well, looking pretty, reading scriptures, praying often, or any such mechanisms of the flesh; He simply Loves us because He Loves us.
God is not One that is just filled with Love, He is Love, the Love of 1:Corinthians chapter 13, and much more. For God cannot lie, nor is he hindered by our inabilities, and for that matter abilities, for He has spoken, and He spoke many, many times of His Love for us, whether we deserve it or not. BUT, religion has taught thru the centuries that we receive His Love by certain methods, and a great divide of ‘good and evil’ has been preached in most every pulpit; and it is simply not true. For God does not Love with the type of love flesh man imagines, but with the kind that is unconditional, never-ending, and we’ve always had it, but somehow carnal man, and his techniques, wants us to think that there is two kinds of people; and there certainly is not, for all fall under the category of the off-spring of Adam, we are His; LOVED.
I am not sure that God can be hindered, but it is certain that our defects and inabilities can not hinder Him, but maybe our strengths and abilities can.
Even though all are Loved, many don’t walk in the relationship that He is calling us into. To have His Love is one thing; to receive it is another, and personally I think it’s against my relationship to have religion. I liked being Loved for ‘what I am, His son, not who I am.
‘Tis the season to be greedy
At the time, some two hundred and twenty decades ago, when Jesus was born, it was absolutely essential that the Christ of God began to be revealed. The traditions of man had, at this time, polluted the Truth of God to the point that God was no longer the God, but lowered to just a symbol overridden by the rules, rituals, habits, and formulas that the religious leaders had placed above the God of all Truth; their idols. If Jesus had not been brought to earth, with the Fathers’ Truth and Love, the accelerating downward spiral of mankind would likely have been total destruction; thus Jesus was born for a purpose. Not just any purpose, but the designed purpose of saving man from his own self. The Sanhedrin, and many others, had all these man-made traditions that were held up above the realism of Who and What God is, thus perverting His Truth into anything but Truth. The need was great for our Kings’ arrival.
Today we are doing the same things; perverting. Leaders, and their followers, have again twisted every Truth of Revelation from God into another tradition. It saddens me to see that man again has lost all reality of our God, and is justifying himself with all these silly rituals that bring no one to the understanding of Who and What God is.
This is what many call the holiday, meaning Holy-Day, season, but it no longer has any value to the betterment of man, but it’s fun to the worldly. The world invented christmas, and I guess that’s okay; but let the world have it back.
Not too many generations ago kids were given an orange, or a candy cane on this festive day, but those times are past. Today we can’t show someone that we love them unless a diamond is studded in gold, we give them the newest technology gadget, spend hundreds, if not thousands on some useless piece of paraphernalia, and even now we’re suppose to buy into this thinking of giving a new car as a gift. At least we can now see that the same downward spiral of the disintegration of man continues; “there is nothing new under the sun”. Where is it going to end? It’s not. Man, with his self-centered motives, caught up in the things of this world, will repetitively go back to what he knows; worldliness. Again I say, what the world invented, let them have it back. God people are to be set apart, coming out from among her; royal, peculiar, and chosen for a completely different purpose; we ARE different, and it seems like it would show.
Where are we going?
Well, with more than a few casualties, most of us made it thru ‘brown Thursday’, black Friday’, small business Saturday’, and cyber Monday. Whew!!!!! That’s a lot to go thru for a holiday that’s not been polluted by capitalism until recently. Has greed and insanity taken over the mind of the average American citizen by our pride and vanity? Has serenity been replaced by the need to be seen with the most toys, or be the first kid on the block to have another useless object of technology? Where are we going with this?
Thanksgiving Holiday has been my favorite holiday, if fact; it’s the only holiday that I observe. Until recently it was the only festive day that wasn’t commercialized, but look at it now. So many of the families couldn’t sit down and have a undisturbed day, much less a week-end, with each other because they either had to go on a shopping spree, or try to get over the one they had last night.
It’s looks to me like we all need to take a serious look at our selves, gaze deep down to the part of man that the eyes can’t see, the place where our true identity hides. The humanity of man brings all this about, but only the true identifying Spirit within can bring the peace that we all long for. There’ll be no lasting contentment, no long term positive results, that can ever come about by these egotistical habits that most call normal; that can happen only thru the inner man that truly does long for fellowship with God.
Most will say that they know better, but I’m afraid that these traditions are so deeply embedded by now that the addiction can’t be broken by the nature of man.
WOW!!! I thought I just stop and share a few fragmented thoughts of what I see going on in this ‘land of the free’. Most don’t even want to know what I think about this Paganistic “Santa Clause” season, but you can read the book ‘The Two Trees Within” and get the scoopy on that.
What hinders our walk with God?
Many sincere religious leaders, because of their longevity in accepted tradition, and not knowing where else to turn, have continued proclaiming the praises of this thing called ‘church’. So I ask. Have you ever noticed that religion and its many formulas, doctrines, programs, and the outward performances of the flesh, have hindered many in their relationship with our living God? They certainly have. God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit. Flesh and Spirit, nor oil and water, can be mixed. No matter how many times they are shaken together, each will separate from the other.
When we emphasize our denomination, our building with a steeple, our man of the cloth, our programs to make ourselves feel warm and fuzzy, and our learned accounts from the leaders of the past of who and what God is, then we have stepped from what our Lord gave us to the self indulgence of idolatry. Because this behavior has been accepted by so many, and for so long, we embrace it as being Truth; but is a far-cry from that in which Jesus began building upon the foundation, the Rock of Truth.
Our relationship with the Lord is being hindered, at least in the short term, by our self-centered agendas of what the flesh of man can create. We must heed God’s Word when He said; “If my people, that are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wickedness, then I shall hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” This was not written for those that are not called by His name, but for those that are; us.