A Changing Attitude

Through these past several decades, as I began to deepen my relationship with Christ, I noticed so many things and ideas that were taught by ‘these things called church’ that are entirely different than those taught by scripture. And today I’d like to touch on one of them.

I have spoken on this subject before, but think it’s worth a little more attention. To change our mind, ‘REPENT’, to change the way we think, “REPENT”, to allow our earthly way of viewing things to change, ‘REPENT’; the word repent literally means-to change the way we think about a subject, to put on the ‘mind of Christ’. When I was much younger I asked God to show me what this powerful word truly meant, and He show me a short vision.

Just like the oil plug of your car engine, I saw that I also had one in the top of my head, a plug with a bolt that needed unscrewed. I was shown to remove the bolt, turn my head up-side-down, and allow the old oil to be drained, to then be replaced by new. It was not that the old oil never worked, but it could carry me no further, thus it wasn’t going to work for the times ahead. I’m not speaking of simply changing our mind, but completely changing our way of our thinking,

The word repent, through the centuries, has been perverted and thus used as a weapon to beat many into submission, to ridicule many into viewing it as being looked upon as an deviant. As we are blessed by God, we are also being spoken to, by God, to allow ourselves to see through a different set of eyes, for each true blessing is another call to repentance. By putting on the mind of Christ, we no longer can think through our carnal ways of viewing things, but now have a completely different way of seeing the old transformed into something new.

The one thing that we all should relish and look forward to, is when God is calling us into His repentance. Repent-What a wonderful word.

The gospel about the Gospel

All of us, from time-to-time, have been taught stories from someone, and have been taught them so many times, and for so many years, that those same stories became a part of our very being. On occasion we have sometimes learned, in later years, that these same tales were not true, but the process and longevity of learning them were so deeply embedded that it was hard to let go of the old information. When an informant, one respected of our trust, is the ‘so-called-church’, and taking up donations is their central observance, it may be a hint that we take a closer look at their views.

All my life, from my youth up, I was taught that the Gospel must be preached throughout the world, and at the time it wasn’t, but today many proclaim that this has been achieved. The Gospel meaning is literally ‘the good news of Truth’
Let’s stop a moment and see what the Scriptures have to say; read chapter twenty-four in Matthew. Verse fourteen says: “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness…” In this verse we see that it is very specific about what is to be preached, the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’.

What is the Gospel of Gods’ Kingdom? What did Christ Jesus give to us that the religious leaders, and the temple keepers , didn’t have? What can we see and receive from our Lord that so many of the preachers had no comprehension of, or chose to ignore? Through their well-established prejudices, and their carnal need to be in control, and the longevity of being taught themselves, they gave us what they believed; but Jesus the Christ gave us all something quiet different. He, Christ, gave us the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, the Gospel of LOVE, the Gospel of Forgiveness, the Gospel of the very being of our heavenly Father, which truly is quiet different than what’s being poured from these pulpits.

Man, in his carnal mind, has made-up a set of truths, and injected them into the minds of their parishioners, but these thoughts are a far-cry from the TRUTH that Jesus is giving us. They separated folks into ‘good-ones’ and ‘bad ones’, into those worthy and those that aren’t, those that attend their meetings from those on the outside. Jesus said that no principality, no ruler, nor anything in these high places can separate any from the LOVE of God. The Lord also said that He was thankful that He had not lost one of His, not one could be plucked from His hand.
How can we retain unforgiveness and still proclaim that we Love? To Love is to forgive; to forgive is to place that very act into a place of ‘it never happened’. How can God so Love the world, but not really Love all of us? He can’t. He Loves us all equally. No one can deserve it, or earn it, His Love is given to all, without expectations to any; God simply just LOVES us with His very Being. As stated in scripture that we are saved,(rescued and preserved) by Grace, and not of works so no man can boost of his ‘good deeds’, then we can clearly see that man separates with his religious doctrines, not God. If we aren’t judged by God, nor can we move God, by our ‘good deeds’ to be worthy of His Love, then we can’t possibly be judged by our ‘bad deeds’ to be unloved, for God is not moved by either. How can man judge his fellow man, holding each up to a set of carnal standards that were born of the flesh, and demand that one must become worthy before he is accepted, and still proclaim he’s preaching the Gospel when every word and idea of what’s being spoken is contrary to what Jesus taught? The ‘Good News’ that was taught by our Lord is simply that we are already accepted, already placed into His hand, already Loved by the completeness of God. It’s already been given to us, nothing has to happen for someone to be given that which is already his. Many don’t walk in this Gospel from our Lord because of the pollution that’s been poured from these so called pulpits. Therefore those, ‘our great proclaimers of carnal truth’, become instead the hindrance rather than cure.

Think about these thoughts, there’s a million miles you can run with them.
I only barely touched on ’em.

The Way We suit Ourselves

It’s human nature, (that is our flesh man), that has a way to contrive or manipulate certain things to a place and time that our feeble carnal brain can understand them. We sometimes portray that we’re at a certain level, or possess a certain reality that just doesn’t exist in our being. In other words: we sometimes pretend to have something that we don’t, or to know something we know little about. And the knowledge of LOVE and FORGIVENESS many times are just the case in point.

The true meaning of LOVE is simply to GIVE, to give unconditionally, to give automatically, to give without thought, and to give without wanting anything in return; LOVE

The true meaning of FORGIVE, which means to GIVE forward, simply means to give, to give unconditionally, to give automatically, to give without thought, and to give without wanting anything in return; FORGIVE.

Now, I ask, How do so many claim to possess Love and still have unforgiveness toward another? How can one hold to prejudice, retain hate for another human, and still retain that their love is in order; it’s not.

Love is the action of giving, and forgiveness is the beneficiary of it. Since we are told by Christ to Love unconditionally, to Love our fellow man, to Love him in spite of his actions, and since love and forgiving come from the same source of God, then forgiveness has no other alternative than to follow after that same Source. They just go together.

Religion has taught many that there is a separation between those that adhere to their institutions, and those that don’t; but Christ Jesus never made that distinction; Jesus automatically forgave those that were murdering Him on the cross, for He Loved them the same as anyone that followed Him. There was no distinction, no condemnation, no separation between any. Religion has to keep up their standards of evaluating a persons value, that’s what keeps their system moving, and as long as they can oppress folks into that line of thinking then the money train continues moving. Jesus tore down the money changers that were embedded in His Father’s house, their so-called place of worship, and is exposing them for their unauthorized commerce still today for these same deeds; but they too are forgiven.

Our own self-righteousness is the reason why people are placed into ‘good-and-bad’ categories, and are judged whether they are worthy of forgiveness to suit themselves, but our Father and His Christ makes no distinction between any. God so Loved that He gave, and He gave all that He is to all, for Love covers a multitude of sin.
It is no different today than it was during Jesus’ walk on earth, the temple wouldn’t accept Him then, and neither does the church accept His Truth today. It’s not about suiting ourselves, but knowing the freedom of His Truth.

Father, teach me to receive the Who and the What that you are in me, and to give all of us the strength to receive your Truth, to walk in your Kingdom, to show the world who You really are. For You are not just a God with much Love, but You are LOVE. Place in my heart that same Love and Forgiveness so that I too will Love you through others.

One or the Other

Most folks go through life seeking no more than immediate gratification, no more than to appease their immediate needs, leaving the truth and the weightier things in life to be figured out by those that claim to be in the know, but in most cases know no more of the TRUTH than was handed down to them.

It is a fact, proven by centuries of self-righteousness, that those, the so-called church, hold but little truth, but shout from the roof top and bill themselves that the answers of life can be found inside their doors. If in fact they held the answers, the hinges would be broken off each door by those seeking the life that Jesus promised us with. Society has made an idol of these institutions that are made by the hands of man, impregnated them with the carnal flesh of the egotistical programs of the men that invented them, and then had the gall to call them God’s house when it represents nothing that our Christ was building upon His Rock. This ‘thing called church’ has not only not fed their sheep, but have kept them from eating.

Gods’ Spirit has been given to all of mankind, those created in His image, those made in His similitude, which we all fall into these categories, thus each of us possess all that was given to His creation of man, and need to look no farther than His Spirit that dwells inside of each.

Of course we need fellowship, we need the checks-and-balances of being with those that seek a deeper Truth, those that are being taught by the Holy Spirit, and in fact Jesus said ‘where two or three are gathered in My name, I will be in the midst of them’. We are to be led by His Spirit, not by those educated men of the cloth, nor by the many useless programs that were designed to make one feel warm-and-fuzzy inside, but by the gentle quietness of our God that lives inside of every man.

We can continue to choose these traditional platforms, the outward showing of carnal man, or we can seek the depth of an intimate relationship with the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords. The longevity of tradition is not going to change a single life, just ask those led by the scribes and Pharisees in the time of Jesus, but one man hung on the cross, the heart of man, certainly can.

To clear up a point

From time-to-time I’m asked how a person could join my ministry, and what they can do to be part of the team.
First of all; I seek no followers, nor do I want any, nor do I desire to be the center of any movement. I’m just a hayseed from the backwoods of Tennessee that God has shown the inner workings of these man-made, and fleshly ‘things’ that most of us call ‘church’. As stated several times in the past, religion simply means METHOD, but because of its’ longevity of use, and most peoples’ failure to seek an intimate relationship with our Lord, religion, and their formulas, are accepted as the standard.
Through these past several decades God began to reveal to me the transparency of these ‘so called godly orders’, with their ego astride the very foundations of their carnal methods, and was asked to show the few that truly seek the intimacy of God, that there is truly a WAY, TRUTH, and LIFE that can be found with our Creator and Lord. This silly made-up rule that one has to join something is about as far from the Truth as any can stray. We are already His children, just reach up and take what’s already yours.

I need help in getting this message out, and I think the video on this web-site can help many realize just what’s really going on. So, if you would watch it, and then pass along to someone else, I think slowly more folks will begin to see the truth behind the scenes of these carnal platforms called ‘church’.
If someone wants to contact me; go directly to themanwithin1@gmail.com
If you read the books, they might reveal something that’s been stolen from your life.

Just a small note from the hayseed; God Loves us, always has, it’s time to put the separation that’s been taught by these social-centers called religion, and move forward to His open arms.

Trick and then Treat?

When a person first comes to the knowledge and understanding that he has problems in life, and sees that he can’t fix them by himself, and is drawn toward the things of God, what does he do?
In most cases he does the only thing that known to him to do, run to this ‘thing called church’ and seeks help, They, this so-called church, have advertised through the centuries that they have the life-line of all the world’s problems, and can redeem man back to the graces of God; but in fact they can’t.
Though this institution uses seductive devises, and claims their knowledge is unsurpassed in the answers toward God, and is accepted by most, but not all, that their man-made programs is the right choice; but in truth- it is not.
God is seeking those that want a relationship with Him, an intimate, individual, and very personal relationship with Himself, not with the unity of the established doctrines of the corner meeting house that sits proud with her many traditions.
What’s happening today is the exact same thing that was going on at the time Jesus was introduced in the flesh to our planet. At that time the priest, scribes, and pharisees presented themselves as the only answer, and thus no other doctrine, nor Way, Truth and Life, was tolerated. They just plainly didn’t have it, But they were so established, and making a fortune from their parishioners, that they would even hunt down those that bucked that system. Today is no different.
Jesus was sent to earth to show man the TRUTH of God, Who He is, and What he is; Love. God is almighty, all knowing, He is every where, and we are each made in His similitude, and in His image He created us. Not some of us, but all; for now we are the children of God. Not just the ones that act right, or go to ‘church’, or is accepted by adhering to a set of rules, but all are accepted. We already have this acceptance, but to live with that intimacy, we must by faith have a intimate relationship with Him to walk in our freedom. None can earn His Love, nor can we achieve it, nor do we by the flesh, deserve it; But God gives of Himself freely to all.
This is not the message that this ‘thing called church’ portrays, it can’t, for if it did the flesh could no longer be involved. The organization has a set of rules, regulations, creeds, doctrines, programs and any other trick that they can invent before anyone can attain their treats. Just like it was when Jesus walked this earth.
It seems to me that we again now need the same intervention that was needed two thousand years ago.
Where two or three are gathered in My name, I will be there also.

A little Challenging

There is a difference between those that want a relationship with the Lord and those that just want to appease themselves with their weekly ritual.
At the risk of stepping on some toes, and not wanting to offend any, I’d like to challenge those that want something deeper than the organized man-made religious centers know how to give. Maybe, they know how to give it, but if they do, the masses will fade away to a relationship with the Father instead of the one they have with their so-called ‘church’.
How can we appease God with all these unchanging rituals that are done week after week and have no depth of concept, or no personal intimacy with the ONE they so outwardly appeal too? How do we reach the Lord of all the universe with our greeting, song, announcements, another song, take up tithes, another song, and then listen to a sermon that has been rehearsed for the last week and tweeted to perform to the masses? Or maybe brow-beat them into submission?
If this ‘thing called church’ was going to work, don’t you think we’d seen some evidence by now? If this was a place to meet God, don’t you think that many would have beat the doors down trying to get to it? We’ve tried these methods long enough to understand that they don’t work, and never will.
God loves us all, none are left out, and His desire and so should ours, is to have a personal relationship, a very intimate relationship, with each individual as we press to grow into the depths of His offering of LIFE. Not just the life after death, but the Life that we can have right now, where every tear will be wiped away, as we cast all our cares upon Him. No performance will ever give that, He just wants you and me, the way we are and where we’re at. God is very capable of doing the changing, (if any is needed) all we can do is run to Him; IT’S A VERY PRIVATE THING.

Relationship Vs Excercise

Having a relationship with God, and all the beauty of that intimacy, is not the same as having a relationship with this ‘thing called church’. Through the centuries, even millenniums, of wrongful practice has taught many that the clergy of these institutions has got it right; and this certainly is not the case. Because of its’ consistent practice and acceptance, many now take these formulas, because of their longevity and the promotion of their man-made rituals, as the same thing as having a one-on-one intimate fellowship with the Father and His beautiful son Jesus. We missed that boat. Nothing could be farther from the Truth.
Many come together on Sunday morning, shake and howdy our way to a pew, sit quietly with our hands folded, waiting on some person to stand behind this elevated platform and begin these so-called worship services. We’ll sing a song, they’ll make a few announcements of the upcoming events and sister Rosie’s ailments, pray some repetitious prayer, sing another song, take up an offering to their cause while the music plays, sing another song, pray again, and then after a few cute jokes, then begin their 35 minute sermon.
Where’s the intimacy?
We can’t program the Ways of God, we can’t know weeks in advance what God wants to say or the songs He wants to hear. Are we singing to Him? Are we singing to ourselves or each other? Have we strayed so far from the Truth that we think these substitutes will be accepted by the Father as genuine and personal? Not only can we say the these “things’ don’t work, they actually hinder many from having the intercourse of having an up front and personal intimacy with our Creator, and the true beauty of His Son. Somehow, man being fleshly man, with his carnal ways of thinking, has made a substitute, a counterfeit, because of our misunderstanding of the true WAY, that leads to TRUTH, that leads to LIFE. But many accept these rituals as acceptable,
How can a repetitious prayer, a certain three-way movement of the hand, bowing our head and closing our eyes, singing a few of the traditional songs, preaching one of the 89 sermons on the list, bring one single person to a up-front and intimate knowledge of the God of the universe; but understanding what was done for us two thousand years ago by one man that was hung on the cross can do within each certainly can, if we’d stop long enough to truly consider Him.
When will the madness of these promotions of self stop? This system set up by mans’ mind and his fleshly ways are doing nothing but promoting self. These programs, doctrines, committees, formulas, and ideas of the carnal mind is doing nothing to show folks the undivided LOVE, the unconditional LOVE of our Heavenly Father that Loves us without condition or prejudice.
Consider Jesus, He’s already considered you. The exercises won’t stop, but they should.
A child of God is a state of being. It’s not something that we earn, nor can any preform to deserve it, there is no place that we have to go, nor do any have to do certain ‘right’ things, we are already His children; but to walk with His relationship, we have to accept what we already are and who He already is.
Gods’ LOVE for each never stops, no matter where we are, or what we’ve done.

What is religion?

Let me start by saying; I understand that the words religion and religious are used by many as an expression of a quality that is in a certain person. The word actually & simply means METHOD.
It was because of religion that Jesus the Christ was brought back to the world. Religion, or should I say mans’ methods, had perverted the true “WHO” and “WHAT” that God truly is. The letter of the law, and the structure that man was placing on the external events and places of worship had caused many, if not all, to pervert the very Being of our living God; Thus Jesus was sent to rescue us from our-selves.
“God is Spirit, therefore those that worship must worship in Spirit.” But man, as he was then and continues also to be, feels that he has to put his carnal thinking and his fleshly ways into a man-made system to strut his superiority and to gather those that will follow him, even creating with his own hands and mind, an external building and calling “it” church. The true Church is a people, not a place. As many as respond to His Spirit are placed into this living Temple. None have to go someplace, or do something, or be a certain way, to enter into His Gate; we are already in His presence. We are already acceptable, already loved, and already ‘paid for’ by the redemption that God has given from the beginning, it’s already there, and there’s nothing we have to do or no place we have to go to receive it; it’s already ours. But to walk in His fellowship, we have to reach up and take what’s already ours.
A long ways back, many centuries ago, ‘the so called men of the cloth’ began scheming to find as many ‘would be followers’ to join their man-made efforts and developed again a system that missed the mark. Even stooping to create entertainment centers and calling them ‘church’, anything to bring in the masses to their efforts. These places of so-called worship centers are more for the amusement and enticement so they can gather a gathering to their inflated egos.
Religion, in its true form, is an idea that hinders mans’ relationship with his God. Man needs no center-piece, nor bait to follow, nor any enticements to hear the inner voice of Gods’ Spirit, we are already His children.
When we seek the WAY, we find the TRUTH, which leads to LIFE. There is no other Way except thru Christ, for He is the expression of Gods’ Love, He is our Rescuer.
When Malachi was spoken to by the Lord and told to forward a message to the priest. He was told to tell the priest that they were robbing Him, (our God), with their tithes and offerings. For the leaders were taking money from the poor, the essence of their lives, and feeding their own agendas, and told the priest that they are cursed with a curse.
This habit of mans’ intervention that has been going on for these many centuries, and the addictions so strong from it, have proven that it will never change; but it can in you and me. All things are possible thru Christ our Lord.

Which Way Do We Go?

Our environment, that is; the people and ideas that are in and around our lives shape and move each into the individual that each have become. At least from a worldly sense, our thoughts and patterns, our behaviors and ideologies have been swayed by a continuous flow of what has been around us.
Sometimes it’s a scene played thru the news broadcast, or in a certain music of that generation, or the crowd we hang out with, and even the regional dialect that we speak, but we are shaped into the person that we have become by the joining of the strength from those that are around us. When the masses are going in a certain direction we tend to follow that direction. I think that it is an inert desire to fit-in, and a sense of belonging that fulfills a gap that seems to be missing; therefore we join things.
Jesus spoke one time that we should think not that He came to bring peace, but to bring division, a two edged sword that will cut the flesh from the Spirit. And what I wanted to point out is the unity of the people of the flesh, and how many ban together with an idea or formula, do it for so long and with confidence, that it becomes normal, accepted, and treated as if it’s the right thing, but in many cases is not.
When we begin to worship the church instead of the Christ that is building upon the Rock, or we worship the healing instead of the Healer, or we worship the scripture spoken with eloquence instead of the Word Himself, then we have missed the boat. And that boat won’t float.
For those seeking an intimate relationship with the Christ of God, then begin to walk in the division that Jesus blessed us with, and this world begins to fade to its’ proper place. We can then put away our toys, our rites and rituals, our committees and programs, our beautiful choir robes, the fancy pulpits and engraved wooden alters, and then again see for the first time the Christ that is the Head of His own body.
Folks, the true Church is not about what our brains can think of, or our hands can do, or where our feet can take us, these were nailed to the cross; it’s about following God and His Son by the faith that is unseen, by worshipping the Creator and not our own creation. God stands alone, for no other god stands beside Him, let’s put away our childish toys and turn around.
At the risk of sounding harsh, it’s time to understand that ‘these things called church’ are organized to appease the masses and therefore resemble an entertainment center more than they are the Rock on which Christ Jesus is building His CHURCH.