I have attempted this subject before, but I think with my abilities, did little to articulate what I really wanted to say. This too will be a feeble attempt to express what I want to speak.
It is true that God gave us His only begotten Son Jesus as our Gift from Him to us. It is true that Jesus is our Redeemer, our Healer, our Deliverer, and He came to make the atonement for our sins, but I’d like to look a little further as to why God sent Him to us at the time that He did, and why it was so critical that His timing was exactly when it was.
Before the birth of Christ, the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, and the chief priest of the temple, in fact all those that adhered to their practices, had very little idea of who our Heavenly Father was. The many centuries of their interventions with their man-made doctrines, rules, regulations, and their fleshly needs to hold power over the people, and their silly formulas to ‘live life right’, did nothing but make a mockery of what God was establishing on earth. The Truth of Who and What the Father truly is was perverted. This is well documented in the Gospels that they, the above mentioned religious leaders, were constantly at battle with every word that Jesus spoke. In fact, they attempted to throw off a hill, trick Him by their cunning words, disclaim everything He said, belittle everything He did, in fact they sent many to find ways of catching Jesus in the very act of blasphemy, they wanted Him dead. Of course, none of these tactics worked.
The rituals and doctrines that these religious leaders were teaching, and had been teaching for centuries, had perverted Who the Father, in Truth, really is. There were few, and I mean very few, during this time in history that knew much of anything about our God. The above mentioned religious leaders were so involved in their own doctrines and rituals, that through the centuries, God was being pushed away and the intimacy of His relationship with us was almost nonexistent. God was willing in this intimacy, but man through centuries of training, no longer knew that our privilege to have a relationship with Him existed. The pollution of mans’ order of religion had distorted the Truth of everything about God. The scribes and Pharisees were so involved in their man-made laws and regulations, and keeping their power over the people that man was being lost in himself.
Why did God send His Only Begotten to the world when He did? One would think, but in truth no one knows, that had He waited a few more years before Christ was sent into the world, that none of the teachings of the TRUTH would have existed. Man would have ordained himself so far from God with these ingrained teachings that we’d no longer understand that God Himself wants a relationship with us. The timing of God sending us His Son was not an accident, it was crucial. The world, at this time, needed to be saved from itself, before all was completely lost, we needed to be rescued and preserved. These religious sects, and there were many of them, all had one thing in common, that was; that each sect was promoting their own agenda, their own method, their own formula of what God ‘truly’ is, and of course we can easily look back and see that their perversions kept mankind from knowing the Truth about our Lord that truly Loves us. “God so loved the world that He gave…”, And His giving of His Son was at the exact right time.
Jesus was sent to show us the Father, the God of His creation.
Now, look at us today. The piety of our high-minded religious leaders that are pushing their fleshly agendas to promote these counterfeits of what Christ was building on this rock, has completely failed the same way. Again, when the ‘worlds so called ministers’ clothe themselves in piety and religion, and are blinded to their deceptions of Truth, then we, as a whole, must look elsewhere- Gods’ Kingdom reconciles us in His bosom, and certainly does not bring about separation. These institutions built by the brain power of carnal man has positioned the world to parallel history precisely the same way.
But, God cannot, nor will not, be defeated; He has a plan.