There is a vast difference between loving our Lord God and loving this thing called ‘church’, between living with certain ethics and allowing the Lord to live thru us, between doing what’s right and not knowing how to do it any differently. When we try to train ourselves with great principles, beliefs, and integrities they are no more than coming from our carnal strengths, but when Jesus lives within the very heart of man no one person can resist but to show that Personality. Our minds, the throng of every imagination, tries to figure out what is right concerning the things of God, but Scripture says it is ended with destruction. Our Bible also says that man has a form of godliness, but denies the power therein. TRUTH is created from within, we cannot create it our self, and Truth certainly doesn’t need supports to be maintained, Truth stands on Its own platform; the heart of the ‘asking’, ‘knocking’, and ‘seeking’ heart of the transformed man. There is no need to reinvent it. God and His Son is alive and well, and God certainly doesn’t need our support to be Who He is. We can’t help but proclaim His Grace.
We need Him, we need God, we need the transformation of His LOVE within before the true evidence of His Being can displace this rhetoric that’s being preached from these man-made pulpits. Gods’ Altar is an Altar of stone, (stone representing the earthliness of man), and when converted can do no more than spring forth with Living Water as when Moses was told to “speak to the stone”, to quench the thirst with flowing water, (water representing TRUTH), of the Israelites in the desert of their travel. We too are as thirsty, living in the same desert, and we too can receive that Water of Truth, but not with this imitation, these synthetic repetitions that are formed in the mind of man and spouted from these carnal-made institutions that are called ‘church’. Gods’ Church is alive and well, but not nearly as big as these manufactured entities that stand on most every street corner and called themselves the house of God.
If this religious stuff was goin to work it seems there would some evidence of it by now. But God is still changing lives.
Failure or success
Have you ever noticed that successful people, those that prospered inwardly, those that found life rewarding, are usually a breed that fought through the troubling times.
All of us enjoy life when everything seems to be going the way we conjured it up, but as short lived as that is, we all seem to find time to whine and belly-ache when those precious times have run their course. Success is not measured by the money one makes, nor is it gauged by our status in the hierarchy of our peers, not even the education of schooling plays a part in, or whether a job has given the status we desired, but it is determined by our strength to overcome in spite of our adversaries.
Those things that we call troubles are actually blessings that are disguised as misfortunes, difficulties that are shadows to hide that which lies underneath; growth. Our fleshly eyes can see no more than the worries, sufferings, and the predicaments of this carnal life, but hidden underneath, for those that see through the internal eyes, not only see a route of escape, but also see another hill to climb before our course has been achieved.
“All things work together for good to those that Love the Lord…” This scripture was not place in the Bible as an accident, but to show those that have eyes to see that the circumstances of this world are not what they seem. Even this world, which is enmity to God, proclaims that every dark cloud has a silk lining; then how is it so difficult for many to look past the woes of what this life seems to throw at us and begin searching for that which God has hidden in that mirage of tribulations. To look at situations, trials, and adversities the way the world views them, the way most of us were trains to do, is a far cry from the TRUTH which God has set before each. Many a catastrophe has been rearranged by God to bring a blessing to those that search Him, to those that can, by faith, look past the situation, and wait to see that which God has prepared for us.
How many times, maybe years later, can we look back at a tragedy and see His redemption power run its’ course to the point of changing our lives for the better? How many times has one had turmoil with depression only to come out the other side with a far greater understanding of true success?
This worldly life can be harsh, but God is constantly working behind the scenes preparing, molding, and building His Son within each of us to walk in the Kingdom that is now at hand. To those that are called up into this Life that was gifted by Jesus, struggles are but a hiccup in Life, a blessing disguised to further His plan.
It’s those fuuny little things we say
It’s funny to watch religion, and religious people, and how they construe God, the word of God, and their own form of godliness to fit their own needs, how they twist, turn, invent, and recycle their particular flavors of righteousness to fit into a certain box and then call it “the Word of God”. How God got divided into all these self-proclaimed denominations is beyond the reach of this country backwoods boy.
When certain things or phrases are spoken and elevated as the Word of God, and done sometimes for centuries, and even sometimes with a fleshly authority, many of them are taken to come straight from God’s Word. ‘God helps them that help themselves’, where did that come from? Answer: straight from the carnal mind that was exchanged at the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It certainly ain’t scripture. If it weren’t for God intervening with the helpless, I’d hate to think where I’d be, we can’t earn His help, any more than we can earn His trust. Psalm says God will spare the poor and needy. If you’d like we can look at a few more of these man-made quotes that are pure nonsense.
‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’, although this may be one of those saying that ring true to some extent, it’s not in the Bible. Proverbs says that he that spares the rod hates his son, which might be close to the saying, but still twisted into another direction. ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’; who could create such a saying unless it was some high and mighty do-gooder? Not a lick of resemblance to our loving God does this one smack of Truth.
As an adulterer one focuses their attention in the wrong direction, such as what God calls a harlot when we love another in His stead. Money is not the root of all evil, nor does the Bible say it is, but the love of it is; we then become a whore. I really can’t say how much God will put on any one person, and I really don’t know how much each can bear, but I do know that God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able.
Many such sayings are accredited to scripture, and many, if not most, are believed to be so, but as man tries to reinvent God with his uneducated fleshly ways, it is not only man that suffers.
If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck-what is it? It might be a coot, and a coot is not a duck. Religion may have a form of godliness, and it may even seem right, but man’s forms and righteous are not to be based on his carnal flesh. It’s all in our relationship with HIM that matters, not with this thing called ‘church’.
Another disception
The way I see it is; back when man disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and ate the fruit of knowledge of ‘good and evil’, and decided he was perfectly able to conduct himself with this new-found knowledge, and decided he no longer needed a relationship with God, but could now trade it for this new found information and be like our Creator– then things went to hell. It was then, eating the fruit, that man received a dose of the falsehoods, imaginations, and fantasies that this world says it offers, it was a lie. The worldliness of the world is designed to feed itself with self, to look out for ‘ole number one’, but that doesn’t work either.
It wasn’t long after man traded his relationship with God, in the Garden, to gain his own independence, that rituals, superstitions, formulas, doctrines, and what we call religion to begin to take its hold on us. Yes, that is exactly what man did. After selling our relationship with the Father we then chose to follow our own devices, and then we had to invent our ways of reaching God. All this led to man building an empire, essentially to himself, and calling it a temple, a church, a shrine to show off our worthiness and intellect, and then think that that was pleasing to God, but what He wanted was His relationship back with us. We can have a relationship with God, or we can have one with the church, but when man tries to serve two masters he will love one and despise the other, or he will cling to one ignoring the other. That’s the way we’re built.
Having a relationship with a church is not remotely the same as having a relationship with God. But that is not what we’re taught. It was the same two thousand years ago as it is today. Man inventing silly rules, formulas, doctrines, and rituals and rites, seeming to show off his knowledge of God thinking it is on cue, but, it didn’t work back then and it won’t work now. Jesus turned over their money changers tables, disrupted their club house, and yelled that they were turning their so-called ‘place-of-God’ into a den of thieves. Many of this mind frame, this carnal fleshly attitude have stolen the Truth of what God wanted for His children.
We are all His children, not just those that ‘they’ say are.
Are we playing ‘church’?
As I walk around this life and talk with people, and the subject is regularly about the things of God, it takes little effort to understand that most folks like their little routine of playing ‘church’. What’s been going on these past several centuries, and is not going to change anytime soon, nor is the meaningless rituals that continue to be procreated in these produce factories called ‘church’. The entrenched customs that’s being taught as a legacy of these ‘things’ are so rooted within this man-made system that the familiarity of their play-acting is unshakable, except by the hand of God.
When so many have taught that our Father God is in the form of a man, with His white beard, long robe, a crooked cane in His hand, and stands waiting on any evil-doer to do wrong once more before He pounces on them with His wrath, is a far-cry from Who our Heavenly Father is, but few are here to teach otherwise. God is first Love, followed closely with His Grace and Mercy, but if these great attributes of our Lord were imparted by these things called ‘church’ then what would they do to keep their parishioners in fear and coming back each week for their weekly dose of restraints. God gave us Jesus, which in return, gave us back the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which was diluted and polluted by the scribes and pharisees,(the religious leaders), to show us again, for the first time, that our God is truly an awesome God. The Sanhedrin, like our educated and paid for religious leaders today, placed more meaning on their rules and regulations than they did the Beauty, the Holiness, and the unconditional Love that our Lord truly is. We missed that boat then, and we’re missing it now.
“God is Spirit, and must be worshipped in Spirit.” These fleshly man-made antics that go on in these club houses called ‘church’ rarely resemble any true form of worship. Jesus said that the scribes and pharisees wanted their select seating, outward fasting, long robes, and their public prayers to be seen by many as a deep dedicated service to God, but though as clean as the outer vessel was, the inside was full of dead mans’ bone,
It’s now, again, time for a change. It’s time to put away our toys of playing ‘church’ and return again to The Lord of Host, The God of Creation, our true and living God of Love. Jesus spoke in His last words to forgive us, for they know not what we do, and God did. It’s already done. We’re already forgiven
That which consumes the heart is our idol
I touched on this subject before and I’m going to plunge at it again, and to my amazement most people don’t realize that the established religious orders have duped us into a false belief of their many fallacies.
I’ve spent several decades in this ‘thing we call church’ teaching and preaching, and was also, for more than a few years, caught up in the rhetoric of their bias belief. And as many so-called worship services as I attended, I still as yet can’t remember a true service of inner Spirit worship that the carnal flesh man didn’t interfere with. These outward antics and shows of worship may be a true form, but not when done to be elegant or seen.
Let me give you some of the several emphasized words that are used routinely within the religious structures. Choir, Sermon, Steeple, Pulpit, Pew, Hymnal, and Stained glass; these are but just a few of the words that the man-made institutions use, but whose origin of their use does not come from our Bible. With the exception of the word ‘pulpit’ none of these above nouns are mentioned in the Bible and the word pulpit is revealed but once, and with an entirely different meaning than so many understand it today. Where did we get these terms of endearment that so many think of in sanctity? How could we claim to be followers of Christ, or build these great structures to reach high toward heaven, or elect a man with his many cronies to run the show, or how could we think that our logic and attitudes were sufficient to know what God really wants? In no way can the flesh man appoint himself, or others, to know what is best for Gods’ children or how to run this entity that they assert to be Church. Folks, this ‘thing’ that has been promoted to be Church is a far-cry from that which Jesus began with the Rock, the Foundation, that exploded from the mouth of Peter when the Holy Spirit gave him that first revelation. This is the reasoning that I give when calling this fleshly entity called ‘church’ a lower case letter, and call it a ‘thing’; it’s certainly not founded in the Spirit of Christ, and it certainly does not revere to be lifted up as the Body of Christ.
Although many attend these things called ‘church’, and from their hearts love the Lord, and many go to further their understanding of the things of God, for of a truth many are His dedicated followers, but why intertwine yourself with the hierarchy of religion that was invented by those that were still in the flesh but knew there was something greater than themselves; but still didn’t have a clue as to how to obtain it. These silly little rites and ceremonies and rituals have no value in obtaining the deeper things of God, but a sincere intimate relationship with Him does. Worship is done from the heart in a closet, or at least done with no intension of being seen. “He who worships must worship in Spirit, for God is Spirit.”
“Shakin’ the bush boss”
In the midst of this crazy, mixed up, and deteriorating world, I believe that God has preserved a people, call them a remnant, that has been kept unsoiled from these ridiculous traditions of religion that has been invented in the minds of men of flesh. A people that has held to seeking the Truth without bowing to the many customs of the carnal outward rites and ceremonies that are so easily accepted by many. A people that has held strong on loving our Lord and finding revelation in the quietness of their closets.
These, I believe, are scattered throughout the world; far between and few in number, relatively speaking, but growing in the Love of God and His Love for us.
When one is not bound by the uselessness of religious activity, nor conform to their strict adherence to what they say God wants, then a form of quietness can begin within each. When God’s Word is heard without the many editorials of secular pious traditions of this ‘thing’ that sits on just about every street corner, then God’s Spirit can be heard without their bias opinions. Only when this can happen can true growth transpire.
When the last trumpet sounds, those that are not caught up in these man-made religions, I believe, will be raised up from deafness and blindness, and from within be transformed with the Truth and Power of our Lord; will rise up, come out from the hidden places, from the shadows of obscurity and anonymity, to then be empowered to preach the Gospel of the ‘The Kingdom’. In a moment, in the twinkling of eye, God shall transform His remnant from within, and sanction them to preach ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom’ in Its’ true form, as babylon is being revealed and falls.
In my vision, this people,(the remnant), that are called out from among her, (babylon), will figuratively walk up to every club house with a steeple, kick the doors off the hinges, and shout with a voice of authority to “let my people go”. We are all call to come out from among her, as stated in Revelations 18, “for her sins have reached Heaven”.
No one knows, especially me, what or when God shall move upon His people, but I can tell you that the word rapture does not appear in the Bible, not even once, and this message that has been sent out abroad will reveal what it is that was invented in the mid-19th century, and will be revealed for what it is; a fleshly pie-in-the-sky aspiration. I do believe that an advent of some kind is coming, and I do know that God is preparing a people whose stains from religion are being washed, and will proclaim His truth about LOVE.
“God so Loved the world that He gave…”, not the world as stated as enmity, but all those that live in it, bar-none, we are all counted as His children. We are not counted because we deserve it, but for ‘what’ we are, not ‘who’ we are. Our good deeds don’t bring any closer to Him. God just Loves us because He Loves us. Thank you Jesus for showing us the Father.
Where’s the heart?
There is a vast difference between saying that Jesus is lord, than letting the heart speak that JESUS IS LORD. We live in a society that has been taught from almost the beginning that carnal man is up front and king of his domain. Well, I guess he is somewhat king of his domain, as long as his meager domain is this three dimensional world; remember this world is enmity to God.
I’d like to take a look at these industries of christian music, books, preaching schools.
If one had a song in his heart, a message to be written, or a sermon to be proclaimed, and each one of the above was from the inner heart,- then I wonder why so many of them just want to be noticed, or make money from this service? Why is this famous coveted ‘dove’ award so much sought after, or why are so many preacher/pastors getting paid to proclaim what they allege God sent to do? Looking under their words, it’s not hard to see that many of these desire the attention, notoriety, skill of presentation, established intelligence, performance of their duty, and of course let’s don’t leave out that pay check. So, is it easier to declare that Jesus is lord, or to truly place every situation, good or bad, in the arms of our Lord, and then sit back and let Him do all the trouble shooting. Jesus is Lord, and when we place Him as our individual Lord, very personally, are we now claiming that He, and not us, is in charge? Thus relieving ourselves of any worry or pain, for the Lord is able and ready to stand in our gap for us. Remember; “all things work together for good to those that love the Lord…”
When our ‘claim-to-fame entices us to enter into the “ministry”, or the money that is to be made there, or our abilities to hold an audience, then we have ceased to be effective in the forwarding of Gods’ Kingdom, and have now become nothing more than a musician trying to play elegantly on a pair of cymbals.
Has this world completely taken over our line-of-thinking, endorsed by the system of religion that has established itself with its longevity, to replace the truest and deepest value of God? We can either shut up and become quiet inside and allow God to do His work in us, or continue these unserviceable acts that don’t change a single life; but one man hung on the cross awhile back can change anything.
Where is our heart at? Are we now wanting the fleshly carnal attention from our outward acts, or can we truly trust God to do His work thru the obedience of His leading, one on one? And this is usually from a closet.
Heaven and hell
I have hesitated for years speaking on this subject because the so-called ‘churches’ have such a stronghold that to buck that system of belief will mostly be met, at best, with skepticism; but here goes a feeble attempt at it. My procrastination of this subject will be readily seen by my inadequacy to buck the traditional system that has fed us so many deceptions over the past thousand years or so.
God is Love. So let’s get our heart going in the same category as what Love truly is. It’s certainly far deeper than this world, with its babylonian attitudes, wants us to fall for.
Let’s do a little reading in Gods’ Word from the book of Corinthians, first book, chapter 13. “And although I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not Love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind, Love does not envy, Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the Truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” This scripture goes on to talk about when we were a child, we spake as a child, thought as a child, we simply acted as children; but, if and when we become an adult, we’ll put away our childish ways of thinking.
Loves doesn’t keep a record, Love forgives, Loves looks past the sin, to see a person behind it that God Loves very much; When that perfect Love comes upon us, then that which is in part will be divided from it. Love conquers all things, Love covers our multitude of sins, and Love pieces together that which our natural abilities can’t do. Love is What God is, Who He is; Love the everything about our Heavenly Father.
Now I ask: How can our Father, Who is not only filled with Love, but is the true definition of it, going to send someone whom He loves, for He Loves us all, to any place but unto Himself? The sin, the act, the internal cause of it, may be sent to hell, but not the hidden man within each of us. Since all this that He wrote for us in the above scriptures is by Him for each to adhere to, it takes no profound reasoning to see that He too abides by the same laws of Love. We can notice through scripture that the wrath of God is sent upon the sin, not the sinner, the wrath of God is to purge each from the sinful nature of man, but not the true man.
These club houses called ‘;church’ has always wanted dominion over their parishioners to keep them close by and under their control, thus inventing this train-of-thought to teach that if we don’t act right, that is, the way they tell us to, then hell is our destination; and it’s simply not true.
Heaven is where God lives, and folks, He so loves the world, and all of us in it, that He gave His Love, His Heaven to each, He lives in each of us; none are excluded. Hell is where our iniquity travels, and Heaven is that place where God abides in us, even right now, and all eternity.
What is Love/Heaven? Is it this thing that we’ve been taught love is? Love is where God is– in the heart of spirit man. Hell is where the man in the flesh lives
Guilty or innocent
I realize that many use the term ‘religion’ in a positive way, but the term actually means ‘to repetitively do a method ritualistically’. In other words-anything we do over and over. Whether it be watching the same TV show every night, getting up at the same time each morning, praying before we eat, routinely disciplining our children the way our parents did us, or any other such habits that years have embedded, we can call religious.
Religion is not necessarily a bad thing, and it sometimes helps us with our daily repetitive customs of organization, but when it replaces our relationships and minimizes our interactions with those that supposed to be close to us, then each has counterfeited intimacy with routine.
When men, (especially those of the so-called cloth), get off their high-horse and turn their backs to this non-sense on these many methods and rites that go on without meaning in their congregations, then, and only then, will there be space provided to let God come in with His Way, Truth, and Life. Each act that is done in these theaters called ‘church’ is of its own not to be diminished, nor can any trivialize several of them, but when these rituals and methods replace Gods’ plan for that day, then they truly do become non-sense.
When man placed himself as chief honcho in these assemblies and call it ‘church’, we at that moment ceased to be a congregation of students of God and become a showpiece of the inventions of the idols of man’s mind. Routines and methods of religion don’t work here. But carnal man and his desire to imagine and invent another program, system, committee, sermon, and when we should pray together has overstepped, many times, the flow of what the Holy Spirit had for us. When the status and the piety of some preacher, and what he can strut before his congregation, thus becoming more important than He that he is to represent, then we have a problem- and folks we truly do have a problem.
Who cares about who started a new program, another committee, or what group they want to please, or even the skill that they use to deliver another empty sermon- I want to know who has the Heart of God? What man will stand up and tell the parishioners that God didn’t give him a message for that week? None of them will. It’s a status thing, a pride thing, and their egos won’t let that small bit of truth come out. So they continue with their meaningless rituals of religion until the whole congregation is dying of hunger and thirst Are these fleshly preachers and those that sit with them at there round table, innocently naïve enough to really think that these structures that are invented in the carnal mind of man is representing God, or do they truly know better deep down that they too are guilty.
Isn’t this too a form of death?