Just a small thought

I sit pondering, pondering the chaos, the turmoil and disillusionment that’s raging world wide with little or no notice, let alone resentment, because of the subtly in which it came over the years it has mainly gone unnoticed. Folks look for their everyday information from friends, family, government,secular news, and in this case these enterprises called church. We are buried in a landslide of information but very little of it can align itself with the Word of God.
We have been fed a bill-of-goods and the worldly world can’t be blamed, they’re doing what they’re supposed to. But I’m speaking to those that are called by Gods’ name, to those that got caught up in this mirage of right or wrong, up or down, to those that that have not humble themselves, nor prayed, and have only sought the advise of this so-called church and not His face, Gods’ face, to those that go to their weekly social club and sing a few songs, pray the same-o rehearsed prayer, pay their money and and listen to a sermon that’s been preached a-zillion time and still has no or little effect.
Just because these traditional teachings have been going on for generations does not align them with the Word of God.  They are not aligned with the teachings of Christ but with the carnal mans’ pie-in-the-sky sugar plums and lollipops. In fact this exact same thing was happening at the birth of Christ and was one of the main reasons that Christ was brought here. God sent His Son because of His Love, to retake back that which the scribes, priest, the religious leaders were burdening their parishioners with. Why are we looking toward institutions that are selling their wares, (making money) instead of humbling our self, praying to the Creator, seeking His face, and then realize that we are to to turn from our wicked ways by putting on the mind of Christ.  Mostly, our wicked ways are complacency of not caring because if we rock the boat many will be upset. So we please our self, our neighbors at the expense of His Way, His Truth, and His Life tat abides on the inside of each.  It is time that we wake up, humble our self, pray to God, not some institution, seek His Face, and turn from our wicked ways that He will hear our prayer, forgive our turning to these idols, and heal our land,(household) 2 Chron 7:14

To be absent from the body is…

How does one explain a spiritual matter with the carnal flesh? Jesus spoke in parables, if fact the scripture says he spoke not accept in parables.
Since man was driven from the Garden and separated from his complete relationship with God, and chose to live from the tree of knowledge of the good and evil that that tree was so eager to give him, man has invented, created a world from his mind. We then chose to walk in the lie from the serpent that we would be like God, and ever since have continued to devise new ways to conjure up methods to restore us back into the that special relationship that was lost from God. We, mankind, have walked and stumbled these millennium with the darkness and delusion that was chosen by the very act of wanting our freedom. We were lost, truly have died, and darkness was upon us and we were void without light.
God told Adam lest you run back to the Tree of Life this obscurity would be continued and without the Tree of Life there is no hope, no righteousness, no way, no truth and no life that can be formulated to restore you to the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life that exist; Jesus the Christ of God.
Scripture has been misinterpreted from the beginning but we are to rightly divide His Word of Truth or endure our sustained false religious ways. Virtually everything that we’ve been taught, all the must do’s and the must not do’s have been given to us from the same false doctrines handed down from one generation to another that was conceived in the flesh; the tree of knowledge.
The well-known verse ‘to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord’ has always meant to most of something that is going to happen out in the wild blue yonder, after death. There is only two places a person can be, one is in this unreality of the carnal, and the other is to be in the only place that is left; God’s Spirit world. Let’s read this same scripture in reverse order, it reads the same thing; to be absent from the Lord is to be present in the body, (the carnal). Spirit and flesh can no more mix than oil and water, we are both flesh and spirit and each day, each moment that we choose to connect to this fleshly body life we then choose to disconnect from the true Spiritual Life that has been bestowed upon every person born. We are told ‘to choose this day whom you shall serve’, cater to the flesh, the carnal, or to be present with the Lord. We do not, and I repeat DO NOT have to die our earthly life to be present with the Lord, yet we do have to die in the flesh to be present with God, the two just won’t mix.
If we’re all caught up in this world, and all the affairs that go with it, and each time we do it, we then chose to be present in the body therefore absent in our relationship with God.

What goes up has come down

This world and all the things that are changing is turned up side down by this new modern way of thinking. God has never changed, nor will He. God has not left us, but we, as a society, have left Him. Is it possible that times have changed so much since the time of Christ, that it is the ninety and nine that are lost to His Truth, and only the one remains? We are all guilty, and I also can say; the things I should do, I don’t; but the things that I shouldn’t do, those things I do; shame on me, but we’re all still under construction. God didn’t lose any of us, but many have strayed looking for new grounds, being seduced by the same serpent that lives in the tree of the mind, thinking we know best, but He truly is willing to leave all just to recover that one that will accept the Truth thru His Love. If we can’t find Him, then those same traditional blinders still remain; for we were never lost from the Love of God, we just thought we were. Like the lost sheep, every one of us are still under His care, some may not have found their way clearly yet, but His eye, and His Love have never left us, no matter what we may have done; or not done. The cost of Grace is nothing but the acceptance of it. The cost of this flesh‐made religion, as it stands today, and was also in the days of our Lord, is at a cost too high to pay for those that want truth again for the first time. It’s the natural being, the one that clings to the tree of knowledge that desires to build himself, and the cronies around him, by their abilities and seductive forms, and their many
programs, to build a self‐serving empire to either look good to others, or satisfy his fleshly mind with the accomplishments of his thoughts. Shame on us for turning to ourselves to find a replacement of God, and it’s all justified on the backs of our forefathers who began this mess.

2nd Chronicles 7;14 says; If my people, that are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I shall hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

These words are not just good Words, THEY ARE TRUTH


I sit pondering this crazy world and the misgiven goals it seems to have, and all that comes to mind is; HAVE WE LOST IT? When rightness is now wrong and the foolishness is the new norm, when ethics and principles have floated off beyond the clouds, when the light that God has given us is no longer shining replaced by the fear of being an outcast and is now hidden under a bushel, we can now announce that the downward spiral is accelerating.
This world, (and I mean worldly,) and its’ religious promoters with their fancy talk, their pious beliefs, and their willingness to gather all the would-be clients just to fit in because of a dwindling congregation have set a standard of compromise that is causing grave harm to the few that still seeks Gods’ righteousness. This stuff that’s going on in so many cities has persuaded and confused so many folks that numerous people are losing their northern star of what direction to go, or, what is right any more. Where is the light in these liberal thinking normally good folks? How did God get pushed to the side and easily replaced with this darkened idea that man knows more than the Creator of man. HAVE WE LOST IT?
This institution that is calling itself ‘church’ is so willing to compromise Truth so that they can seduce more and maybe encourage addition revenue in the form parishioners with the idea of fitting in this so-called new world. God didn’t bore us to follow every shining new fade or elegant speaker, but to lead as many as would retain Truth in an upward direction; we have failed. This world ain’t gettin’ better, and it won’t, as long as those that are making the most noise are listened to. God people that are called by His name are called to lead by following the Great Shepherd, not by succumbing to the bells and whistles that are here today and then fade. HAVE WE LOST IT?
We might not be given a stage, or even have a loud voice, but we can stand up in the demeanor of our Lord and still be heard.
Maybe the religious people that have not humbled themselves and prayed and seek Gods’ face have lost it, nor can they change a single life, but one small candle in the darkness can.

Wake Up Time

In the midst of this deadly and unseen virus we have an opportunity to look at ourselves, boil it down to the thickened concentrate and see what floats up to the top. Boredom, anxiety and fear are what so many are experiencing, and to many; it should be.
In 9 11 01 an attack was made on our economic system worldwide, as the World Trade Towers were attacked and destroyed and we were brought to our knees with shock and grief. Many see this as an attack from terrorist, but others have recognized it as an assault on the babylonian frame of mind that the world and its’ money can cure anything. We were shaken to our core and then came together for some few weeks after this event, but as usual, this world went back to its’ old tricks of again hating his brother and turning again to the ‘bells and whistles that this carnal world says it has to offer. The strike worked for some short time as we were willing to hear that so much blood was needed, but failed to see that the only Blood that counted was that which spilled from the cross two thousand years ago….We missed it. There is much to be said of the 911 event, but let’s try to bring it to what’s happening today with this another attack on our babylonian mind frame and the economic impact it’s having on all of us.
Will this unseen virus, and what’s happening behind the scenes with it, once again allow each to go on with their daily living, and again miss what God is speaking from the unseen Heavens? There is no way to avoid the impact of the virus, but the world has been trained to fix their eyes on the solutions of what man can do to fix and then swindle us out of the True message that our Lord is speaking, at least to the few that will listen.
We can, once again, turn to Facebook, or we can shut the noise of this world out and listen to what the Spirit has been saying.
This free ride can’t and won’t last forever. But I thank you God for your GRACE.

Walk or Talk like a Duck

I sat here wondering why I spend so much time thinking of how this world is, and why we should despise it, until I came to the bright idea that: we, the children of God, are truly supposed to despise it. We are to be in this world, but not be partakers of it; use this world, but not allow it to use us; and although this world has a course set to teach each what they should know to live life to the fullest, it’s really the other way around – we should be teaching them.
The decline of morality has spiraled so rapidly in the last decade or so that many of these ‘things that call themselves church’ has compromised the TRUTH to find room to accept this form of behavior into their approval. The people are to be accepted, the morals they bring with them are not. But so many are so desperate to fill their pews, and fill the collection plates that they lost the true reason why they are there to begin with: to teach the Love and relationship that we can have with God. So instead of being a part of the solution of the worldliness of ethics, they become enablers, the problem.
You have to look high and wide to find the integrity, honor, and distinction that only a several decades ago were commonplace. Why is this so? I remember forty years or so that the news was broadcast that fifty-two percent of married couples have had a divorce. Of course, I thought to myself, so many without God and living according to their feelings and seeking their own gusto could do no different. Within three months another announcement was made by some religious organization that the church, (with a lower case c), confirmed that within the christian world we has now reached a divorce rate of fifty-two percent.
How are we different if we’re the same? How do we walk like a duck, quack like a duck, and dress like a duck and then claim not to be a duck? How, or why, have we compromised Gods’ standards and principles, and so quickly have accepted the worlds’? What happened that swayed folks in a ministry to accept and undertake this babylonian attitude unless it was to reach,( and I really mean to say sway), many more would-be folks to join their ranks and donate their money. THIS IS NOT WHAT IT SHOULD BE ALL ABOUT. But it is.
Again, it saddens me to see those that are called by His name look so much like that in which we should be running from.

A call from the Wilderness

How have we, the children of God, look as much like the world as the world does? Are we not being called out of her, to be separate, to be among the peculiar; to be the chosen to model the way as a mentor and not the other way around? The scriptures have been adamant about the world being enmity to God, how that true LIFE is to be found within the relationship with our Father and cannot be found within the confines of that which we are called out of.
How deeply has this structure called ‘church’ perverted this very distinguishable line that has been drawn in the sand and instead of being so different look exactly like that which we should be hostile to?
The subtle perversion and distortion of what’s right and what’s good, what’s Godly, has been going on for generations until the difference is almost indistinguishable between the child of God and the child of the world. Even in my lifetime the decay of morals has disintegrated values of how man looks at his neighbor, much less himself, and has called it progress; I think we’ve lost it.
God says “If my people that are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wickedness, then He shall hear their prayer, forgive their sin and heal their land”. Maybe it’s time to quit calling our self a christian until we remotely look like Him that we are claiming to be. The spiritual sickness that overcast this world, and its’ many gadgets, has spiraled rapidly towards that unending bottomless pit of collapse.
Christ came to give us Life and give It abundantly, and does not, even slightly, resemble that which many pro-claimers’ say we are. Since we are the ‘called out ones’ then maybe, to my way of thinking, it’s time to be the ‘part’ that we profess to be.

Eyes that can’t see?

It seems we were all raised, at least by the standards of the world, that “you only have one life, so grab all the gusto you can,” and don’t forget the cliché that said: “look out first for number one, “ meaning self. Scriptures tell us that this world is enmity to God, meaning hostile. And it’s true. Is it hard to determine why this world, and all that’s involved in it, is spiraling down to a ‘dog eat dog’ attitude because of our self-serving defiance toward the TRUTH of God? Also, it’s not only spiraling downward but at an accelerating speed. With each generation the deterioration of our morals, honor and integrity, becomes more and more of a rarity.
These institutions that call themselves the moral fiber of the world, and some call them ‘churches’, have failed in every degree. What they possess, is a far cry from that which they claim. When one looks at the world of worldliness and then turns around and looks at the ‘things that are called church’, how much true difference can be seen? They are failing. When the supposedly mentor, these marketplaces called ‘church’, professes, that their road to Christ is the only road to follow, but at the same time look much like the world that we are called out of, then why do so many sit around with this dumb founded look on the faces asking; what went wrong?
If the these so-called ‘churches’ are gathering as many would-be followers as possible with their building projects surrounded with a freshly paved parking lot, and their fancy pews, and their custom made dresses and suits, were to be looking out for those that entered their doors instead of their attraction to their own self -image, Christ would then take His rightful seat and the world would be changed. But that’s not the case.
Why would we need all these different denominations with so many different views of who God is if they all had it together? Is God Divided? I think not. Then could it be that with the different sects of denominations that man himself is expressing his allegiance to his personal idol rather than to God that he is to supposedly lifting up? Folks, we got this all backwards.
This backwoods writer is not going to change the world, but maybe there are a couple of folks out there that are willing to stand up and also call attention to the travesties that claim they are Gods’ representatives but are actually turning people away from our Loving God. I don’t think I’m the only one fed up.
Thank you God for your Grace and Mercy.

Is life long or short?

It seems we were all raised, at least by the standards of the world, that “you only have one life to live, so grab all the gusto you can,” and don’t forget the cliché that said: “look out first for ole number one, “ meaning self. Scriptures tell us that this world is enmity to God, meaning hostile. And it’s true. And since this world is enmity to God then why do so many in the religious world adhere to world example? Why do so many, that call themselves christians look more like the enmities than they do a child of God.
This world and its’ values have more of an influence on each of us than many care to admit. Because one might use religious saying, might strut in the market places their credentials of God, or talk about their praying activity to be heard as distinctive, doesn’t have a thing to do with their intimacy with our God, but many want it to come across as they do.
In three of the four Gospels it is written; ‘many that shall be first will be last, and the last shall be first.’ Simply put: If we have a need to be there first, or want to be in the front of the line, or have a need to be recognized as a winner, we have then admitted, hopefully to our self, that our maturity level is shy of what God is molding us to be.
It don’t matter how we favorably present our self in public as one that is set apart, when the chips are down and our doors are shut, and no outsiders are looking, the truth will come out. A person can only hold their breath for so long and then we must exhale. Walking with God is not the adherence to a set of rules and regulations; it’s a life style that is built by God from within. It’s not within the carnal man of the flesh to know how to conduct one’s self or live Godly without the flesh showing its’ face, but when the intimacy of Jesus Christ is manifested within, then the vessel has no choice but to ooze His righteousness from even our very pores.
I have heard many say that life is too short to live like this, but I say, that life is too long to live like this. We can’t do it on our own.

Something Happening Here

As I reminisce of the days of my young adulthood, I too remember coming to the Lord with great zeal. My enthusiasm for this new found and very real experience was profound and could be likened to a chick hatching from the confined shell of an egg. I, for the first time, felt free; free from the guilt and torment of a life being led by my own devices.
Before I go further with my encounter with how God, at this point in life, began dealing with me, let’s stop a moment to give a brief history of the evolution of religion.
Man likes to express himself when something good happens, or bad for that matter, man has a tendency to want everyone around him to know it happened, to announce with passion his new found experience, and to gather around those with a familiar understanding of what just happened. And in the beginning, after the resurrection of Christ, it only took months before a disciple of Jesus wanted to build a tabernacle, a gathering place, a platform of religion to shout the good news of what now was occurring. All this was shut down as Jesus revealed Himself and sent the disciples in different directions, as was the same case on the Mt. Transfiguration. But man, ever since his gained knowledge from the tree of good and evil, feels he knows best of what to do, goes about building something, an empire, a monument, or some shrine to dig his carnal feet in to stay put instead of listen for the Holy Spirit.
These so called ‘churches’ are just that; a place built from the flesh of the brain, (the tree of knowledge of good and evil), to express in a carnal way what God has done for them. When Jesus told us to go throughout the world telling of the Gospel of the Kingdom, how did we turn that around to try to get others to come to us? These non-scriptural entities are not the makings of God, but the imaginations of the flesh pretending they have it cornered on just about every street.
Now getting back to what happened to me during my experience with the Lord, I too knew I wanted to do something, anything and everything that I could to shout and relate to others what was transpiring with me. And being young and enthused but yet ignorant, I went to the people that said they had the scoop on what I should learn, but after going to more than a few of these gathering places with a steeple I soon learned that the variances of each building and doctrine were as different as the creativity of an artist portrayal. It just didn’t work.
After years and years of being deeply embedded in these ‘churches’, even preaching and teaching the little knowledge that I had, God began calling me out of her as I heard loud and clear; ‘come out of her my people’. As Moses said to Pharaoh, I too heard the call to shout ‘let my people go’.  I spent many years in this industry of religion, entering with a hunger for Truth, but after almost starving to death, I had to leave.
People, we can learn from the Holy Spirit without having to be indoctrinated by the will of men with their carnal motives of the flesh. We can grow in our relationship with God, hopefully with those that see through this hype of religion that hinders rather than promotes the things of God.