There is a difference between those that want a relationship with the Lord and those that just want to appease themselves with their weekly ritual. At the risk of stepping on some toes, and not wanting to offend any, I’d like to challenge those that want something deeper than the organized man-made religious centers know … Continue reading A little Challenging
Author: Ross Shultz
Relationship Vs Excercise
Having a relationship with God, and all the beauty of that intimacy, is not the same as having a relationship with this ‘thing called church’. Through the centuries, even millenniums, of wrongful practice has taught many that the clergy of these institutions has got it right; and this certainly is not the case. Because of … Continue reading Relationship Vs Excercise
What is religion?
Let me start by saying; I understand that the words religion and religious are used by many as an expression of a quality that is in a certain person. The word actually & simply means METHOD. It was because of religion that Jesus the Christ was brought back to the world. Religion, or should I … Continue reading What is religion?
Which Way Do We Go?
Our environment, that is; the people and ideas that are in and around our lives shape and move each into the individual that each have become. At least from a worldly sense, our thoughts and patterns, our behaviors and ideologies have been swayed by a continuous flow of what has been around us. Sometimes it’s … Continue reading Which Way Do We Go?
A follow-up to “Why”
In the small article written previous to this one name “Why”( the blog below this one), I wanted to clarify a point. When Jesus was sent to earth by the birthing of the flesh, it was essential that it was happening at that precise time. Man, with all his ritualistic formulas and his carnal way … Continue reading A follow-up to “Why”
It seems not much thought has been given to why Christ Jesus was born on the exact date that He was born. Why did God pick that precise date, and why couldn’t it have been a year earlier or a year later? Most folks understand that God doesn’t make mistakes, and there’s really no accidents … Continue reading WHY?
A comment about a comment
By-in-large most comments and opinions I receive are positive, and I’m not afraid of the negative ones, and would like to invite any and all to send me your thoughts at I realize that my viewpoint is not main-stream and goes against the grain of those that religious activities are a must in their … Continue reading A comment about a comment
The never ending Journey
Over the years, speaking of my walk with Christ, and learning as I walked with Him, I noticed that the closer I got to God the farther I seemed to be from Him. For many years this perplexed me, even to the point of beginning to question myself. One day while in my daily chat … Continue reading The never ending Journey
The book with the funny name
The book ‘Hornswoggled in His Love’ does have a strange name. The autobiographer couldn’t help but to use this word as the evolution of his spiritual growth, and the final intimate understanding of the precious ultimate LOVE that God had bestowed on him, and He had it from the very beginning, understood that all along … Continue reading The book with the funny name
Where in this world are we going
It amazes my how many in this world, especially America, are troubled within concerning the things of the heart. These ‘things called church’ bill themselves as an institution that has the answers, thus summoning as many as possible to enter their doors. If they had the answers, changes would be happening in an astronomical rate; … Continue reading Where in this world are we going