LOVE vs love

The old adage says that if you don’t have it, fake it. Love is one of those actions that is far deeper than this writer can understand, but I do understand that what we’ve been fed as love is far short of the Truth of what it actually is. Love covers a multitude of sins, … Continue reading LOVE vs love

A Changing Attitude

Through these past several decades, as I began to deepen my relationship with Christ, I noticed so many things and ideas that were taught by ‘these things called church’ that are entirely different than those taught by scripture. And today I’d like to touch on one of them. I have spoken on this subject before, … Continue reading A Changing Attitude

One or the Other

Most folks go through life seeking no more than immediate gratification, no more than to appease their immediate needs, leaving the truth and the weightier things in life to be figured out by those that claim to be in the know, but in most cases know no more of the TRUTH than was handed down … Continue reading One or the Other