For many decades I was involved in this ‘thing called church’, (and no, I wasn’t run off, nor did I leave mad,) and with my involvement I saw many, many folks going through the motions, but were not dedicated to the things of God, but instead, their dedication was directed towards tradition, religion, their denomination, … Continue reading Playing church?
Author: Ross Shultz
Adversity builds !
We live in a world that likes to whine and cry every time a situation doesn’t go our way, every time our selfish fleshly desires aren’t met. We were programmed from youth to learn tactics to try to control situations to meet our own selfish needs; as a child, what else could we expect? A … Continue reading Adversity builds !
Think about it
We have had a continuous format thrown at us by this ‘thing called church’ for the past nearly two thousand years, and it hasn’t worked; and it never will. The things of Christ will endure, always has, and always will, but the powerless rhetoric that’s spilled from these man-made pulpits has fallen by the wayside. … Continue reading Think about it
A little time to just talk
There are a lot of what I call nuts out there that want to eliminate anything pertaining to God, (religion) out of the sight of man; but I’m not one of them. I certainly do see that these man-made religions are not at all relating to God, and at times detrimental to the forwarding of … Continue reading A little time to just talk
Method or Religion?
Since method and religion is exactly the same thing, then why do so many believe that being religious is merit towards God; it simply is not. The word religion in Greek is threskeia, from the root word threskos, which means: demonstrative i.e. pious. Many hang that label on themselves, that is religious, and think it … Continue reading Method or Religion?
The good, the bad, and the in between
For those of you that have settled in with a religious mode, or those of you that have spent a lifetime in the world of religious activity, will find some type of comfort with the unity of these brands of playing church, but, will also find it difficult in allowing your relationship with God to … Continue reading The good, the bad, and the in between
This world and its ‘glory’
This world, and I’m speaking of this three dimensional life, has promoted itself as having all the answers that man needs. Stand up straight, get educated, get a good job, have manners greater than a badger and so on, and all you’ll ever reap is a life filled with joy and happiness. This, of course, … Continue reading This world and its ‘glory’
Religion or the New Man
In the Gospels the Pharisees were a religious sect that held to the literal understanding of truth, they made long prayer in public to be seen, gave alms for the reward of their peers, and held fast to the letter of the law. I understand that these were actual people, but for God to tell … Continue reading Religion or the New Man
The beauty in looking deeper
I’d like to look at the first miracle of Jesus’ ministry when He turned water into wine,: John chapter 2. I will only touch, (because of space), on this subject, but will attempt to open up a deeper meaning hidden in these scriptures. Hopefully, looking at this marriage in Cana of Galilee, we can see … Continue reading The beauty in looking deeper
Made from the hands & head of man
How is it that so many think that loving ‘the so called church’ is the same thing as loving God? Let’s just stop a few moments and think: These weekly rituals and the festive holidays, and the pews, choir, stain glass windows, robes, pulpits, steeples, and a whole lot of other stuff is not mentioned … Continue reading Made from the hands & head of man