What a wonderful time to be alive at this time and space on earth. The troubles and turmoil’s of this earth has not the strength nor the length of arm to reach within those that put their trust in the God that is truly in command; Almighty. Scripture says that this world is enmity to … Continue reading Placating something?
Author: Ross Shultz
A snake in the grass
In previous blogs, (the ones before this one),I’ve spoken about the morality of man and it’s escalating decline that has sent many off to an unstable and defeated life of want. The word Gospel in its self simply means “Good News’, The Good News as God has given it to us. Have you ever noticed … Continue reading A snake in the grass
Whether We like it Not
What’s happening to mankind? We’re falling apart at the seams. It’s sad to see what has happened to the honor, integrity, and morals of man in the past four or five decades. The very fabric of our souls has deteriorated to such a point that what was Truth even back in the 60’s seldom ever … Continue reading Whether We like it Not
The Bottom Line
Let’s take a few moments and look at the big business of religion. I could only guess how many billions of dollars are made annually by the selling of religion, or how much religious merchandise is bought and sold in the name of making money. Think about all the music, jewelry, art-work, videos, TV & … Continue reading The Bottom Line
What a difference
There is a vast difference between loving our Lord God and loving this thing called ‘church’, between living with certain ethics and allowing the Lord to live thru us, between doing what’s right and not knowing how to do it any differently. When we try to train ourselves with great principles, beliefs, and integrities they … Continue reading What a difference
Failure or success
Have you ever noticed that successful people, those that prospered inwardly, those that found life rewarding, are usually a breed that fought through the troubling times. All of us enjoy life when everything seems to be going the way we conjured it up, but as short lived as that is, we all seem to find … Continue reading Failure or success
It’s those fuuny little things we say
It’s funny to watch religion, and religious people, and how they construe God, the word of God, and their own form of godliness to fit their own needs, how they twist, turn, invent, and recycle their particular flavors of righteousness to fit into a certain box and then call it “the Word of God”. How … Continue reading It’s those fuuny little things we say
Another disception
The way I see it is; back when man disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and ate the fruit of knowledge of ‘good and evil’, and decided he was perfectly able to conduct himself with this new-found knowledge, and decided he no longer needed a relationship with God, but could now trade it for … Continue reading Another disception
Are we playing ‘church’?
As I walk around this life and talk with people, and the subject is regularly about the things of God, it takes little effort to understand that most folks like their little routine of playing ‘church’. What’s been going on these past several centuries, and is not going to change anytime soon, nor is the … Continue reading Are we playing ‘church’?
That which consumes the heart is our idol
I touched on this subject before and I’m going to plunge at it again, and to my amazement most people don’t realize that the established religious orders have duped us into a false belief of their many fallacies. I’ve spent several decades in this ‘thing we call church’ teaching and preaching, and was also, for … Continue reading That which consumes the heart is our idol