How have we, the children of God, look as much like the world as the world does? Are we not being called out of her, to be separate, to be among the peculiar; to be the chosen to model the way as a mentor and not the other way around? The scriptures have been adamant … Continue reading A call from the Wilderness
Author: Ross Shultz
Eyes that can’t see?
It seems we were all raised, at least by the standards of the world, that “you only have one life, so grab all the gusto you can,” and don’t forget the cliché that said: “look out first for number one, “ meaning self. Scriptures tell us that this world is enmity to God, meaning hostile. … Continue reading Eyes that can’t see?
Is life long or short?
It seems we were all raised, at least by the standards of the world, that “you only have one life to live, so grab all the gusto you can,” and don’t forget the cliché that said: “look out first for ole number one, “ meaning self. Scriptures tell us that this world is enmity to … Continue reading Is life long or short?
Something Happening Here
As I reminisce of the days of my young adulthood, I too remember coming to the Lord with great zeal. My enthusiasm for this new found and very real experience was profound and could be likened to a chick hatching from the confined shell of an egg. I, for the first time, felt free; free … Continue reading Something Happening Here
Buyers and Sellers
Jesus told us that the money changers turned His Fathers’ house, the house of prayer, into a den of thieves. With their buying and selling of the paraphernalia and sundry goods of the religious world, they were using this platform, the Temple, as an arcade to conduct their fleshly missions in what they thought was … Continue reading Buyers and Sellers
What God put together let No….
I stand amazed at the folks that think and believe that religion is the same as Godliness, that rites and rituals are impressive to God; they certainly are not. Religion, simply put, means method. Religion means that man is doing something that is to count unto his worthiness, and to that I also say that … Continue reading What God put together let No….
Just a little Reminder
The books that I have written: ‘The Two Trees Within’, Unmasking a ‘church’ in Denial’, the book with a funny name ‘ Hornswoggled in His Love, and the book that shows the tribulations and stupidity of a knucklehead growing up in the 50’s and 60’s called ‘The Man Within’; are but a small source, but … Continue reading Just a little Reminder
In a World of it own
With all the tragedies going on in this country and world-wide, it seems peculiar that we are confused and lamenting over what we can do or what the cause would be. This so-called institutionalized ‘church’ claims they have the answer, and maybe they do have it hidden under their logs of doctrine and tradition, but … Continue reading In a World of it own
Could you even imagine that Jesus would embrace one of these theaters that carnal man calls ‘church’ and participate in their outward worship of the flesh, of self? I can’t. That is exactly what is going on on these stages, and done in the name of Jesus, and called ‘church’. Come early and take your … Continue reading Imagine
Heart vs. Mind, Soul vs. Spirit
There are misnomers scattered throughout all religions, but today I’d like to look into these, particularly one, in the religion of christianity. I had spent most all my first forty something years within the confines of this creature call ‘church’; not to be confused with Gods’ true Church. This thing called ‘church’ that has been … Continue reading Heart vs. Mind, Soul vs. Spirit