As I walk around this life and talk with people, and the subject is regularly about the things of God, it takes little effort to understand that most folks like their little routine of playing ‘church’. What’s been going on these past several centuries, and is not going to change anytime soon, nor is the meaningless rituals that continue to be procreated in these produce factories called ‘church’. The entrenched customs that’s being taught as a legacy of these ‘things’ are so rooted within this man-made system that the familiarity of their play-acting is unshakable, except by the hand of God.
When so many have taught that our Father God is in the form of a man, with His white beard, long robe, a crooked cane in His hand, and stands waiting on any evil-doer to do wrong once more before He pounces on them with His wrath, is a far-cry from Who our Heavenly Father is, but few are here to teach otherwise. God is first Love, followed closely with His Grace and Mercy, but if these great attributes of our Lord were imparted by these things called ‘church’ then what would they do to keep their parishioners in fear and coming back each week for their weekly dose of restraints. God gave us Jesus, which in return, gave us back the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which was diluted and polluted by the scribes and pharisees,(the religious leaders), to show us again, for the first time, that our God is truly an awesome God. The Sanhedrin, like our educated and paid for religious leaders today, placed more meaning on their rules and regulations than they did the Beauty, the Holiness, and the unconditional Love that our Lord truly is. We missed that boat then, and we’re missing it now.
“God is Spirit, and must be worshipped in Spirit.” These fleshly man-made antics that go on in these club houses called ‘church’ rarely resemble any true form of worship. Jesus said that the scribes and pharisees wanted their select seating, outward fasting, long robes, and their public prayers to be seen by many as a deep dedicated service to God, but though as clean as the outer vessel was, the inside was full of dead mans’ bone,
It’s now, again, time for a change. It’s time to put away our toys of playing ‘church’ and return again to The Lord of Host, The God of Creation, our true and living God of Love. Jesus spoke in His last words to forgive us, for they know not what we do, and God did. It’s already done. We’re already forgiven