How have we, the children of God, look as much like the world as the world does? Are we not being called out of her, to be separate, to be among the peculiar; to be the chosen to model the way as a mentor and not the other way around? The scriptures have been adamant about the world being enmity to God, how that true LIFE is to be found within the relationship with our Father and cannot be found within the confines of that which we are called out of.
How deeply has this structure called ‘church’ perverted this very distinguishable line that has been drawn in the sand and instead of being so different look exactly like that which we should be hostile to?
The subtle perversion and distortion of what’s right and what’s good, what’s Godly, has been going on for generations until the difference is almost indistinguishable between the child of God and the child of the world. Even in my lifetime the decay of morals has disintegrated values of how man looks at his neighbor, much less himself, and has called it progress; I think we’ve lost it.
God says “If my people that are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wickedness, then He shall hear their prayer, forgive their sin and heal their land”. Maybe it’s time to quit calling our self a christian until we remotely look like Him that we are claiming to be. The spiritual sickness that overcast this world, and its’ many gadgets, has spiraled rapidly towards that unending bottomless pit of collapse.
Christ came to give us Life and give It abundantly, and does not, even slightly, resemble that which many pro-claimers’ say we are. Since we are the ‘called out ones’ then maybe, to my way of thinking, it’s time to be the ‘part’ that we profess to be.