It seems we were all raised, at least by the standards of the world, that “you only have one life to live, so grab all the gusto you can,” and don’t forget the cliché that said: “look out first for ole number one, “ meaning self. Scriptures tell us that this world is enmity to God, meaning hostile. And it’s true. And since this world is enmity to God then why do so many in the religious world adhere to world example? Why do so many, that call themselves christians look more like the enmities than they do a child of God.
This world and its’ values have more of an influence on each of us than many care to admit. Because one might use religious saying, might strut in the market places their credentials of God, or talk about their praying activity to be heard as distinctive, doesn’t have a thing to do with their intimacy with our God, but many want it to come across as they do.
In three of the four Gospels it is written; ‘many that shall be first will be last, and the last shall be first.’ Simply put: If we have a need to be there first, or want to be in the front of the line, or have a need to be recognized as a winner, we have then admitted, hopefully to our self, that our maturity level is shy of what God is molding us to be.
It don’t matter how we favorably present our self in public as one that is set apart, when the chips are down and our doors are shut, and no outsiders are looking, the truth will come out. A person can only hold their breath for so long and then we must exhale. Walking with God is not the adherence to a set of rules and regulations; it’s a life style that is built by God from within. It’s not within the carnal man of the flesh to know how to conduct one’s self or live Godly without the flesh showing its’ face, but when the intimacy of Jesus Christ is manifested within, then the vessel has no choice but to ooze His righteousness from even our very pores.
I have heard many say that life is too short to live like this, but I say, that life is too long to live like this. We can’t do it on our own.