I stand amazed at the folks that think and believe that religion is the same as Godliness, that rites and rituals are impressive to God; they certainly are not. Religion, simply put, means method. Religion means that man is doing something that is to count unto his worthiness, and to that I also say that it is nonsense. All so-called man invented spiritual acts are an art of those that invent and participate in their many diverse forms of their godliness, in the customs of those that devised them. We have been sucked in by the many centuries of these traditions into thinking, even believing that the many customs of mans’ religion is supposed to strike God with attention and give us that well deserved credit; but it won’t.
What God, and His son Jesus, wants is a relationship with each of us, an intimacy that is very personal, an avenue to walk together in. Our Lord knows who and what we are, He knows far more about us than we know about ourselves, there is nothing hid from Him and yet He Loves us with a Love that is beyond comprehension. We don’t have to act right or perform to certain criteria for Him to love us, nor do we have to attend these fleshly arks or cathedrals that were invented within the carnal mind of flesh man; these so-called ‘churches’. The Church, with the higher case C, is a people, a person, one that is called out from among the world of craftiness; one that has a cherished relationship with the Creator rather than any creation.
When I watch these religious folks, which is an everyday occurrence, carry on with their sadness about a dropping attendants rate, or how their new programs and observances is bound to attract more customers, or if they only could spruce up the exterior of their fleshly monument, it makes me sick. Only those with this carnal attitude can imagine that God is looking for a vessel that is cleaned on the outside, but still within is filled with dead mans’ bones. There really is a sensuous form of godliness, but the power of God is denied; a way that seems right, but the end is destruction. Those that seek God are not boisterous, nor are they animated with their antics, but humble before men and God, appreciative and yet astounded of how personal God really is. It seems to me that these traditions of the so-called ‘church’ are more of a hindrance and stigma than they are of the forwarding God’s Kingdom.
When people get caught up in the rites, rituals, programs and formulas of these man-made institutions, their attention is drawn from our Savior and then placed on what man has built. God is calling all to come out of babylon, which include these ‘churches’ and their facade of godliness. They claim to possess the answer of Truth, and maybe they do, but it’s all hid behind the establishment of their traditions of the flesh.
The true marriage is between man and his God.