Religious Dysfunctions

It amazes me to watch so many sincere folks either lead or follow in the antics of religion. There is no doubt that many have had a life changing experience with the Lord, thus moving in the direction of the only earthly entity that promotes themselves as the ‘house of God’: i.e. a religious center. These people are sincere with their encounter and are drawn into the Spirit of Gods’ Love and have an inward desire to fulfill that which the inner Spirit man is tugged to do; learn all there is to learn about the things of God. There is nothing wrong with this. But, to enter the doors of these so-called industries called ‘church’ can sequester any contentment that the Lord is calling them into.
Their man made promotions of worshipping in the flesh, singing their ritualistic songs, preaching their prepared sermons of intellect, praying their rehearsed prayers, and let’s not forget to pass the collection plate, stifle many that just wanted to learn about and share the deeper things of God. But the things of God come second when they have ensnared another one into their web of advertisements that the flesh has invented. Although God loves these folks with the deepest of Agape Love, He has little else to do with the antics of religion.
The old adage of “if you ain’t got right, make it look good” just won’t work. God is not something that you can put in a box of four walls, pay a person to preach about, elect committees to delegate functions, count their idols of attendants, or deposit their coveted tithes into the bank on Monday: This is the work of man’s empire to promote himself.
Why do we continue doing the same dead works generation after generation? Because of the longevity of the traditions that carnal man saw many years ago that was working for them; it worked. It is true that man was placed here to follow, but to follow Jesus Christ, not these self-promoted leaders that need to have their egos stroked. If these factories called ‘church’ were to adhere to God’s call in 2nd Chron. 7:14, nothing about these carnal rituals would exist. “If My people that are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I shall here from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land.” Our land is our own individual being.

If these outward fleshly expressions of what these things call ‘church’ are recognized as worship, then why are we baffled about a people that’s dependent on the system rather than the TRUTH?

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