As the Pharisees of old, the folks around the temple were inundated with repetitious legalism and a foolish diet of useless rules and regulations that brought nobody closer to the Truth of God. Their formulas, doctrines, and man invented habits of their so-called worship were engineered more for show and self indulgence than to bring a single soul into the Truth about our living God. They flaunted themselves with intellectual power and religious zeal that knew nothing about the intimacy of God that our Father desired with His people. They missed it. Their legalism was contrived to bind people to their set of rules; their way of interpretation of what God really wants had nothing to do with bringing a people together in Spirit. It was all about the hierarchy of man. Each wanted to be seen; seen in the upper rooms, seen with their elegant robes, and seen with their long public prayers that did nothing in the forwarding of God’s Kingdom.
We today, with more than a few centuries of these historic habits, we are paralleling with precision the exact same antics of bringing attention to our silly ‘church’ programs, committees, building projects, and any other scheme that the flesh of man indulges in to make himself look bigger and better than he really is. When you don’t know what your doing one becomes innovated.
It seems that carnal man thinks that if he’s called to preach or pastor, that God has placed him a couple of notches above the rest; folks, I hope you know that this just ain’t true. We are called to serve those that God has placed before us; to feed His sheep, not feed off of them. It is an honor to serve Christ in Spirit, and it’s usually done by being last, by becoming joined in Christ with lowliness, and a heart willing to step out of the way and let Him take the lead.
I realize that many who minister the Lords’ Kingdom message had an experience with Christ and a desire to share that message, therefore entering into a ministry with a pure heart; but with the foundations that modern carnal man has laid before them know no other way to give that message but to travel that same old useless road called “THE MINISTRY”. We can share what God has given to us without having to join our heart to this ‘thing’ that we have been calling ‘church’. These corporations that we call ‘church’ are busy about selling their wares, their restrictive platforms, their social promotions, and most anything else that the flesh mind of man can produce, having no understanding that God is seldom a part of it. When these ‘things’ compete to increase their customer base, ignoring the weightier matters of why people’s hearts aren’t coming to Christ, then we have again missed the boat. Our piety and self-preservation to look good for our own name sake, has lead many into believing the same false rhetoric that this is the way it should be; after all, it all they’ve known for these past several centuries.
These club houses that we call ‘church’ looks more like the world that they belong to than they do the House of God that they should be. It far better to have a few seeking the heart of God than these institutions with all their misled masses.
One does not have to look very closely to see that the Pharisee has again taken over.
The fleshly religious leaders of today also have an appetite to consume their followers. What’s in your diet?