Think about it

We have had a continuous format thrown at us by this ‘thing called church’ for the past nearly two thousand years, and it hasn’t worked; and it never will. The things of Christ will endure, always has, and always will, but the powerless rhetoric that’s spilled from these man-made pulpits has fallen by the wayside. Yes, a few seeds will germinate, but the bulk of the seeds are either being choked out by this world, or haven’t taken root and are withered when tribulations come along, but the True CHURCH, headed by the Spirit of Christ, will continue to grow as long as man keeps his hands off of it.

God is not just filled with Grace, God is the entirety of Grace, and without this tolerance from Him, these club houses and corporations that call themselves the headquarters of Christ could never continue and get away with their soulish, fleshly, and carnal schemes to get folks in their doors and then empty their pockets.

Religions, and there are hundreds of different religions, let’s call them methods, all have the same platform that they are built on; that is, an invention of the mind of man, with their strict set of rules to keep their followers in check, and the universal theme of growing to satisfy the ego of those that promote it. The christian church, with their traditionally enforced formulas, do the exact same things.

Gods’ CHURCH, with Christ’s Spirit as the Head, will continue to grow, but at a stifled rate, because of all the noise that these ‘things called church’, and their desire to dominate, promote an accepted status that it has taken millenniums to create and is now accepted as the standard of belief, but God has kept a remnant that holds fast to His Truth.

These trillions of dollars that’s been stuck into these cathedrals and so-called ‘church houses’ have not changed a single life toward God; but one man hung on the cross two thousand years ago can.

These traditions won’t change, but we can. God is the entirety of LOVE.

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