The old adage says that if you don’t have it, fake it. Love is one of those actions that is far deeper than this writer can understand, but I do understand that what we’ve been fed as love is far short of the Truth of what it actually is.
Love covers a multitude of sins, is unconditional, is never ending and never fails. So, as we read the following passage from 1 Corinthians let us remember that Love is not just a thing, but a person; God. Love suffers long, and is kind, Love does not envy: Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in Truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
As we ponder the above verses, and look closely at what they truly say, we can see that not only is this what God is teaching us about Love, but also, what He is teaching us about Himself. Why are we taught by the institution that we have to earn Gods’ Love? Why are we taught that unless we deserve His Love we miss out? For God so Loved the world that He gave… So who was in the world that He Loved and gave? ALL OF US. God Loves us all whether we have earned it or not, whether we accept it or not, for Gods’ Love is not just given out to those that have done the ‘right things’, but to all.
This thing that man calls ‘church’ wants their underlings held in their bondage, thus teaching that everyone has to adhere to their special doctrines and return each week for another weekly dose of their man-made rules and regulations; this is not so. God Loves us because He Loves us; God is Love. God is not just an entity that has a lot of Love, He is the entirety of LOVE. How can God so Love the world but not really Love us? What can we do to have Him love us more? NOTHING.
This bunk that’s been taught that we have to be worthy before God gives us His Grace and Love is just that; bunk. There are multitudes of folks that have not come to accept Gods’ Love because of man’s injections of his own versions of the carnal stuff he makes up. When we substitute our carnal ideas to replace those of God, then we get what we have gotten; a sorry counterfeit of what Love truly is.
Our sins have already been forgiven, whether we understand it or not.
This love out there, to many, is not the same thing as the LOVE that God gives to us to give to each other.