Most people use the word religion as meaning spiritual, but it simply means method, for ALL religions have a form, a method, a man made forum to attempt to reach God. Whether in times of ‘old’, or today; God desires a relationship with all of us, His people. On one hand (His), He has that relationship, but, for us, we have to accept both His hands before we can enjoy the intimacy of that relationship. There is no earning or deserving the Love Mercy and Grace of God, we already have it, in spite of what religions say.
So how can a method, a religion, help me have a deeper intimacy with the Lord, it can’t, it can only hinder because of the confusion of their weekly doses of man made rules and regulations. God loves us for ‘what’ we are, His children, not because of ‘who’ we have established our selves to be. His offers are for all, and I do mean all, and not just to the chosen of the egos of man.